BlockDrop AACTP settings (TPHit, TP, ClickTP)
-This config has TPHit (Infinite Reach), TP and ClickTP
New version for latest build:
Old version for builds before crossversion merge:
-AACClickTP Settings:
Mode: AAC3New
DelayMode: Dynamic
Stay at target: Off
UseNoXZTimer: Off
TargetESP: Recommended so you can see where you are trying to land on-Don't worry if it doesn't work first time, continue trying to teleport to the same block and it will work. If it flags, wait until flag is gone and try to teleport to a different location. If the location isn't too far away it would be better.
-AACTP Settings:
Mode: AAC
AroundWalls: On-This rarely works, if it flags wait until the flag is gone.
-TPHit settings:
Mode: AAC3New
DelayMode: Dynamic
AntiKick: Off
UseTestMode: On
Predict: Off
ShowTargetHud: Highly recommended leaving it on because it can't hit through blocks and it will help you see if you are attacking the target or not-It works most of the time, if it flags you can continue hitting but if you can't even move stop attempting to hit or you could die, I recommend not trying to hit if there is void between you and your target.
(If you want a config for everything else:
This post is deleted!
the only thing u need now is an instant kill if u get flagged so u get killed and not kicked
Updated the script (