Matrix Bot Remover (Legacy)
If you want to get better scripts, please clarify your problems -
@Anonzme language master
update 2.0
If you find any problems in the code, please give me feedback, Thanks! -
@Anonzme The problem is the method you are using to detect bots.
@404NotFound retards be like ha
This post is deleted!
@infAura said in Matrix Bot Remover:
@404NotFound retards be like ha
chung toi thuoc team anti-retard.
we are anti-retard team. -
@Anonzme idk why but somehow in my vs code it say that the
<EntityPlayer, Integer>
is only being being used in TypeScript -
New algorithm(Test version)!
@404NotFound sure lmfao
So many views, but why doesn't anyone find and publish the problem in the code? Does it work well already?
notAlwaysInRaduis = new HashMap<EntityPlayer, Integer>();
Can't load
playerList = new ArrayList<EntityPlayer>();
still not work and my vs code say it is only used in TypeScript. -
@Anonzme That's the same bad method. The best way is to check differences in adding player packet.
@Anonzme Made this months ago
module = { name: "JartexAntiBot", author: "CzechHek", category: "Combat", version: 1.1, onPacket: function (e) { e.getPacket() instanceof S38PacketPlayerListItem && mc.thePlayer.capabilities.allowEdit && e.getPacket().getAction() == "ADD_PLAYER" && (info = e.getPacket().getEntries().get(0)).getGameMode() == "SURVIVAL" && info.getDisplayName() && (e.cancelEvent(), chat.print("§2Removed bot§a: " + info.getDisplayName().getUnformattedText())); } } script.import("Core.lib");
@CzechHek Where can i get your Core?
@Anonzme try to find it in my ass