Herobrine's Bedwars Config. (Possibly undetectable)
⬤ Server IP:
⬤ This config will affect these modules:
- KillAura
- Antibot
- Scaffold
- Tower
- AutoClicker
- Fly
- NoSlow
- Target
- Fucker
⬤ Requirements:
⬤ Changelogs:
⬤ 10/6/2021: 1. Improved Scaffold settings. ⬤ 5/19/2021: 1. Improved Scaffold settings. ⬤ 5/3/2021: 1. Improved Fly settings.
⬤ AIO Settings:
Target Dead false NoSlow BlockForwardMultiplier 0.56 NoSlow BlockStrafeMultiplier 0.56 NoSlow ConsumeForwardMultiplier 0.56 NoSlow ConsumeStrafeMultiplier 0.56 NoSlow BowForwardMultiplier 0.56 NoSlow BowStrafeMultiplier 0.56 NoSlow Packet false NoSlow Soulsand false NoSlow LiquidPush true Velocity Mode Simple Velocity Horizontal 0 Velocity Vertical 0 AutoClicker MinCPS 8 AutoClicker MaxCPS 10 AutoClicker Right true AutoClicker Left true AutoClicker Jitter false Scaffold Mode Normal Scaffold MaxDelay 0 Scaffold MinDelay 0 Scaffold PlaceDelay false Scaffold AutoBlock Pick Scaffold Sprint false Scaffold Swing true Scaffold Search true Scaffold Downwards false Scaffold PlaceTiming Pre Scaffold Eagle Off Scaffold ExpandLength 1 Scaffold Strafe AAC Scaffold KeepRotation true Scaffold SilentRotation true Scaffold Rotations true Scaffold XYZSearch AutoCenter Scaffold MaxTurnSpeed 180 Scaffold MinTurnSpeed 180 Scaffold MinDist 0.0 Scaffold KeepRotationLength 0 Scaffold Zitter Off Scaffold Timer 1.0 Scaffold SpeedModifier 1.0 Scaffold Slow false Scaffold SameY true Scaffold SafeWalk false Scaffold AirSafe false Tower Mode MotionTP Tower AutoBlock true Tower StayAutoBlock true Tower Swing true Tower StopWhenBlockAbove true Tower Rotations true Tower KeepRotation true Tower OnJump true Tower PlaceTiming Post Tower Timer 1.0 Tower JumpMotion 0.42 Tower JumpDelay 4 Tower ConstantMotion 0.42 Tower ConstantMotionJumpGround 1.0 Tower TeleportHeight 1.0 Tower TeleportDelay 0 Tower TeleportGround false Tower TeleportNoMotion false KillAura MaxCPS 16 KillAura MinCPS 15 KillAura HurtTime 10 KillAura Range 3.5 KillAura ThroughWallsRange 0 KillAura RangeSprintReducement 0 KillAura Priority Direction KillAura TargetMode Switch KillAura Swing true KillAura KeepSprint true KillAura AutoBlock off KillAura InteractAutoBlock false KillAura BlockRate 40 KillAura RayCast false KillAura RayCastIgnored false KillAura LivingRayCast false KillAura AAC true KillAura MaxTurnSpeed 30 KillAura MinTurnSpeed 20 KillAura SilentRotation true KillAura Strafe Silent KillAura RandomCenter false KillAura Outborder false KillAura FOV 180.0 KillAura Predict false KillAura MaxPredictSize 1.5 KillAura MinPredictSize 1.0 KillAura FailRate 0 KillAura FakeSwing false KillAura NoInvAttack false KillAura NoInvDelay 0 KillAura LimitedMultiTargets 0 KillAura Mark false KillAura FakeSharp false AntiBot Tab false AntiBot LivingTime false AntiBot EntityID false AntiBot Color true AntiBot Ground false AntiBot Air false AntiBot InvalidGround false AntiBot Swing false AntiBot Health false AntiBot Derp false AntiBot WasInvisible false AntiBot Armor false AntiBot Ping false AntiBot NeedHit false AntiBot DuplicateInWorld false AntiBot DuplicateInTab false AntiBot AlwaysInRadius false Fucker Block 26 Fucker ThroughWalls None Fucker Range 6 Fucker Action Destroy Fucker Instant false Fucker Swing true Fucker Rotations true Fucker Surroundings false Fucker NoHit false Fly Mode Hypixel Fly Hypixel-Boost true Fly Hypixel-BoostDelay 350 Fly Hypixel-BoostTimer 1.5 chat &7[&410/6/2021&7] chat &fSuccessfully loaded Herobrine's config. &4(Made by mems)
For lazy people, click here.
Wow pretty good job for this p2w server. Very good config!
Wait is has Matrix ac?
@player yeh if you do plugins feature while in bw it will say matrix somewhere
u made it in 5 minutes wow. pretty sure it has matrix as i can do the same things that i could do on jartex l0l
Does it still bypass?
@6sence somehow they have semi decent config, i got insta ban for flying, i even use blink and still banned, not sure tho bc i also use speed which is prob patched
@mems i got banned for fly
@mems i got banned for cheaststealer
@thehacker_99 Yeah, will be fixed soon.
@thehacker_99 why do you need cheststealer in bedwars?
@rafay bro this cheaststealer for skywars if you need play bedwars trun off cheaststealer
@thehacker_99 the thread name is Herobrine Bedwars Config and not SKYWARSS
Scaffold updates. That server now uses Intave, the config is obviously gonna have more updates but I want to make sure Scaffold works perfectly there.
EDIT: Scaffold works, as long as you have the space button held or in other words SameY + jumping. Tested diagonally, however it sometimes cancels the block placements, therefore I highly recommend you go in 4 directions while jumping. Enjoy.