I need opinions about new look of the ClickGUI
At the beginning, sorry for my english.
In a nutshell
I made a prototype of the ClickGUI (see below) and I need opinions about it.Why?
While using the current GUI I had a little problems, the GUI didn't fit on my screen, it was hard to read for me and it was hard to find what I needed at the moment.Goals
I am open to ideas from others, below are my main goals.My goals:
- More readable
- More customized
- Smaller
- Remove duplicates for example only ESP instead ItemESP, BlockESP, HoleESP etc.
I need opinions about this idea because I don't want to continue this if it's a bad idea.
This topic is related to this issue on GitHub: look here.
@kvdlxne Looks pretty good! I really like this design. I'd also say, as @1zun4 said, rounding it would improve it even more. I think that'd also fit better to the general apperance of nextgen. (But since more customizable is already on your list, you may've thought about that already
- search bar (i think it was already linked by you in your github issue)
- fade (animations) when opening/closing