DreamsCore - Everything smooth, as intended.
So, Hello everyone.
Today I wanna show you my version of core.lib, that COMPATIBLE(YEAH) with cross-version and 1.12.2 b73.
This is a continuation-like port, because I took some lines of code from turtlCore(thats why I needed it, thanks to yorik100).
Also, there some bugs fixed and auto-update for core is off, because I'll update it very rarely.
Github link: https://github.com/TheFleksisCekcu/DreamsCore
Instruction, how to port Core.lib scripts:
So, first of all, you need to change Packet Names (Delete numbers from packet names. Example: S08PacketPlayerPosLook -> SPacketPlayerPosLook, C03PacketPlayer - CPacketPlayer) Then, fix import of core, change from "core.lib" to "DreamsCore.lib".
Installing of DreamsCore is same as Core.
Some screenshots: (Legacy Script, Please Update Script is ported turtlCore)
@idk-my-name Not that, they work differently, require weird overcomplicated imputs.
added net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.api.utils.* imports and added github link. -
Update 3.17.
Added some imports from org.lwjgl.opengl
Added imports from net.minecraft.client.renderer.* (NO SUB-DIRS.)
Added credits. -
If you still didn't get my comment, this won't work, LB functions require special cross-version arguments that aren't documented. Packet event and more stuff return different things which aren't documented as well and you for example need to do additional event.getPacket().wrapped to get a packet. In addition to that is 1.12.2 very different from 1.8 so if any script even works it's like a miracle.