Doesnt work too, the modules were activated, when i look into the navigator their instantly get grey

Localsettings dont work! -
Localsettings dont work!Hello
When i use .localsettings save "test" all and disable then all modules and do then .localsettings load "test" then only activate bowaimbot, the other things inclusive HUD are disabled.
Why doesnt it work?
My Tab with "Combat" disappeared!Thanks, now i see it. i dont know how it get there
My Tab with "Combat" disappeared!Hello
In my Click GUI the TAB "Combat" completly disappeared. Edit Settings in the Chat is annoying. Reinstalled LB some times but didnt help rlly well.
Actual Config for Minebox.esI tried but i dont understand it, and the Config for the Antibot dont work. Could u help me setting it up?
Actual Config for Minebox.esCould be? Any working Aura Setting? I hate that bots
Actual Config for Minebox.esThats a Screenshot of the Kicking Message
https://prnt.sc/utjvazThe AC could be Spartan
Actual Config for Minebox.esHello
First to say i cAnT code, so i ask here for an actual setting. After some hits with my Aura Flying Bots come and i get kicked. Used the actual setting but i doesnt work better, more worse.
How do the formatting codes work?@ultraskid
Does it?
I can use red, cyan & white when I'm kind of typing on keyboard with shift. But im on Server Network, where i dont have any permission
. -
How do the formatting codes work?@ChocoPie_isme
I need it on Signs. Does it already work, when the Server dont allow them to use for normal Players? -
How do the formatting codes work?Yeah, normally u use §/& and a number 1-9 or afce for colors. But this dont work here.
How do the formatting codes work?Hello,
how do the formatting codes work on a sign? As soon as I activate it I can write in white with shift and §. Also it works somehow in red and cyan.
Is there a system behind it how it works?