Session Info
How to display count kills per session. can you please tell me
@wxdbie said in Session Info:
@ElementInfo(name = "Session Info") class SessionInfo(x: Double = -8.0, y: Double = 57.0, scale: Float = 1F, side: Side = Side(Side.Horizontal.MIDDLE, Side.Vertical.DOWN)) : Element(x, y, scale, side) { private val fontValue = FontValue("Font", Fonts.font35) override fun drawElement(): Border? { val font = fontValue.get() RenderUtils.drawRect(0F, 0F, 100F, 60F, Color(25,25,25, 128).rgb) RenderUtils.drawRect(0F, 0F, 100F, 17F, Color(25,25,25, 190).rgb) font.drawString(name, (9F + 16F).toInt(), 5, -1) font.drawString("Nick: " + mc.getSession().username, 4, 20, -1) font.drawString("Kills: ", 4, 30, -1) font.drawString("FPS: " + Minecraft.getDebugFPS().toString(), 4, 40, -1) font.drawString("IP: " + ServerUtils.getRemoteIp(), 4, 50, -1) return Border(0F, 0F, 100F, 17F) } }
You need to add the attack event, save the entity to a variable, then you need to add any event that is repetitive, for example onUpdate. You check if the world is not null and if the targeted entity is null or dead. If the player is dead, you increment the kill variable you have by 1, then you nullify the variable that keeps track of the entity you were attacking. Finally, you add the world event, that checks if there was a world change, so you can set the kills variable to 0. Hopefully this doesn't blow your brain and it shouldn't, because the client has these events available to you.
Is this for your own custom build?
@plumer-man it seems like it
@wxdbie you need to code it
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@aftery said in Session Info:
judging by your post history the only logical conclusion is that you are pasting
you can display count kills per session by counting kills per session (logic is something similar to killsluts/killsults/autol/autosay/killsay/advertise w/e ppl call it) and displaying it (extreme demon level programming)What difference does if I pasting something? I'm just learning.
Okay, I will keep that mind
You dont really learn if you're just pasting without learning from it...
@plumer-man said in Session Info:
You dont really learn if you're just pasting without learning from it...
I understand something. Even though I have only been studying for three weeks
Guide to session info (pasting edition):
Find killsult script
Paste into ide
Change from sending chat message to increasing a number
Display the numbers
@plumer-man okay, ty
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@wxdbie ?
@wxdbie said in Session Info:
Even though I have only been studying for three weeks
You need to have at least 1.5 month of coding experience
@suicidemouse said in Session Info:
You need to have at least 1.5 month of coding experience
Well, i learning
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suicidemouse33replied to Aftery on 7 May 2022, 13:51 last edited by suicidemouse33 5 Jul 2022, 15:54
@aftery the op wants to make session info in kotlin, making one in kotlin isn't easy as 2+2, its not easy in javascript either, and yes, snippets are useful
you need more than 3 weeks of coding experience to make one
suicidemouse33wrote on 7 May 2022, 14:03 last edited by suicidemouse33 5 Jul 2022, 16:05
@wxdbie im suggesting that you want to make a session info that looks like the one which novoline uses
@Plumer-Man @Aftery most people on this forum are pasters, so no one cares.