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  • A place to ask for general support

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    I lost it too. I have no idea. @Senk-Ju might have it somewhere, but he would have to look for it.

  • A place to ask for help on writing scripts

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    const script = registerScript({
    name: "VKKILLAURA",
    authors: [":)"],
    version: "1.0"

    // Indstillinger for KillAura
    const rangeValue = value.createFloat("Range", 4.0, 3.0, 6.0);
    const cpsValue = value.createInteger("CPS", 10, 1, 20);
    const rotationSpeedValue = value.createList("RotationSpeed", ["Slow", "Medium", "Fast"], "Medium");

    // Mål liste
    const targetList = [];
    let isEnabled = false;

    // Opdatering af mållisten
    function updateTargetList(name, action) {
    if (action === "add" && !targetList.includes(name)) {
    Client.displayChatMessage(§aAdded ${name} to target list.);
    } else if (action === "remove") {
    const index = targetList.indexOf(name);
    if (index > -1) {
    targetList.splice(index, 1);
    Client.displayChatMessage(§cRemoved ${name} from target list.);

    // Registrer kommandoer
    name: ".vk",
    description: "Manage KillAura target list.",
    hub: true,
    subcommands: [
    name: "add",
    parameters: [{ name: "name", required: true }],
    onExecute(name) {
    updateTargetList(name, "add");
    name: "remove",
    parameters: [{ name: "name", required: true }],
    onExecute(name) {
    updateTargetList(name, "remove");
    name: "list",
    onExecute() {
    if (targetList.length === 0) {
    Client.displayChatMessage("§eTarget list is empty.");
    } else {
    Client.displayChatMessage("§eTargets: " + targetList.join(", "));
    name: "toggle",
    onExecute() {
    isEnabled = !isEnabled;
    Client.displayChatMessage(§eKillAura is now ${isEnabled ? "enabled" : "disabled"}.);

    // Hent mål inden for rækkevidde
    function getTargetsInRange(range) {
    const targets = [];
    for (const entity of mc.theWorld.loadedEntityList) {
    if (entity !== mc.thePlayer && entity.getDistanceToEntity(mc.thePlayer) <= range) {
    return targets;

    // Angrebsmål
    function attackTarget(target) {
    if (targetList.includes(target.getName())) {
    mc.playerController.attackEntity(mc.thePlayer, target);

    // Opdatering af angreb
    script.on("update", () => {
    if (!isEnabled) return;

    const targets = getTargetsInRange(rangeValue.get()); for (const target of targets) { attackTarget(target); sleep(1000 / cpsValue.get()); // CPS }


    // Aktiver modulet
    script.on("enable", () => {
    Client.displayChatMessage("§eVKKILLAURA module enabled.");

    // Deaktiver modulet
    script.on("disable", () => {
    isEnabled = false;
    targetList.length = 0; // Rydder mål listen
    Client.displayChatMessage("§eVKKILLAURA module disabled.");

    This dose not work at all, i made it with chatgpt and i have no coding experience, what i want it to do is to make killaura target the players on the list i can interact with the list with these commands:
    .vka -active/deactivate
    .vk "Name" -adds a player
    .vkf "name" -removes a player
    .vkl -shows the list

    I hope that someone can help me fix the script so that i can target the players i want- Thanks!

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