Fuckings packets
I need help with packets :
I need to send a dismount packet,
Tell me discord to more precisions
SPOILER : Insanity is maybe coming -
@ducouscous what's that "insanity"
@ducouscous c0bpacketentityaction.action.(idk action name, but it named as stop riding or wtf)
@ducouscous like as C0BPacketEntityAction.Action.STOP_RIDING
I think it's C0BPacketEntityAction.Action.RIDING_JUMP
idk if it's true or not but probably yes -
@bruh-ok It's not
@ducouscous mc.getNetHandler().addToSendQueue(new C0CPacketInput(strafeSpeed, forwardSpeed, false, true));
(this is with java, also false = jumping status and true is sneaking status)