Was zur höll? Alte cheat module?
ich vermisse alte cheat module, was geschehen?
Alte cheat module enthalten:
WallGlide -
@ender1355 Waterfly = LiquidWalk
FarmKingBot = AutoFarm
Glide soon
RemoteView = ???
EmptyMessage = ???
WallGlide soon -
@ender1355 Some modules were merged with others at some point. I don't know where those specifically now are but they are probably modes of other modules.
Idk what u mean with RemoteView. I think u mean seeing objects through walls or smth -> ESP, ItemESP, StorageESP
FarmKingBot -> AutoFarm as mems said
Waterfly -> LiquidWalk mode AACFly
Glide -> Fly mode ncp, neruxvace (ncpmotion 0.1 <- downwards) - (ncpmotion -0.1 <- upwards)
EmptyMessage -> got removed u can use ForceUnicodeChat
WallGlide -> WallClimb mode AACGlide
@ender1355 liquidbounce has remote view as a command
it looks like the rules are not for everyone :trol: