How do i make a script into a script/config?
Sorry for such a confusing topic, anyways how do i make like a script like this :
"Scaffold": {
"Mode": "Normal",
"MaxDelay": 0,
"MinDelay": 0,
"PlaceableDelay": false,
"AutoBlock": "Pick",
"Sprint": false,
"Swing": true,
"Search": true,
"Down": false,
"PlaceTiming": "Pre",
"Eagle": "Off",
"BlocksToEagle": 0,
"EagleEdgeDistance": 0.31,
"ExpandLength": 2,
"RotationStrafe": false,
"RotationMode": "Off",
"SilentRotation": false,
"KeepRotation": false,
"KeepRotationLength": 0,
"StaticPitchOffSet": 86.0,
"StaticYawOffSet": 28.02,
"xzRange": 0.35,
"yRange": 0.65,
"MinDiff": 0.1,
"SearchAccuracy": 16,
"MaxTurnSpeed": 117.52,
"MinTurnSpeed": 117.52,
"Zitter": false,
"ZitterMode": "Smooth",
"ZitterSpeed": 1.95,
"ZitterStrength": 0.05,
"Timer": 1.0,
"SpeedModifier": 0.0,//(or1)
"Slow": false,
"SlowSpeed": 0.79,
"SameY": true,
"SafeWalk": false,
"AirSafe": false,
"Counter": true,
"Mark": true
into a file to put in settings or the script folder?
the script is a scaffold config that i found, if your confused which im sure you are, dm me on discord Above Natural#7394, thanks for reading and answering my topic. Also sorry for broken english im dumb -
@above-natural i think you want the script to load settings.
you can set every value like this in the script:
or what i recommend is pasting the settings in a github raw and use a commandManager to load them:
commandManager.executeCommands(".config load [your github raw link]");