How to build LiquidBounce client
first : download
second :open IDEA
third : click Terminal
fourth:copy this and paste to terminal
gradlew setupDevWorkspace idea genIntellijRuns buildfifth: press enter and wait to build (build is on the hotbar with terminal too) when finish it like this:
sixth : go to build and reload, reload button
seventh:click this
And it will be liked this:
eighth :press edit configurations
nineth:click this button to remove 1.12.2-Forge Minecraft Client and Minecraft Server
ten: edit src in share folder
eleven : open terminal again
and paste this code in : gradlew build
twelve press Enter and wait it to build like this:
go to the liquidbounce-legacy folder --> 1.8.9-Forge --> build --> libs there you go that is your liquidbounce you build
Warning: If build failed that mean your share main code have a problem check your code you do again and compile it
@_simonclient_ ok but i dont want any modules i just want to use liquidscript as a joke
@mimikyuin :))) i make this just for someone don;t know how to build liquidbounce :v
Why didn't I build it
@_simonclient_ How to debug
@_simonclient_ are you fucking retarded (you are)
do you know what does debug mean -
@sigma-bot i am lag not run with debug ru gradlew --stacktrace to find the probblem :))
Why there are errors, how should I fix them
@_simonclient_ thanks dude!! this really help alot!
@ibook in 1.8.9-Forge\build.gradle and in 1.8.9-Vanilla\build.gradle
change this
implementation 'com.github.TheAltening:API-Java:master-SNAPSHOT' implementation 'com.github.TheAltening:API-Java-AuthLib:-SNAPSHOT' compile 'com.github.TheAltening:API-Java:api-2.0-SNAPSHOT' compile 'com.github.TheAltening:API-Java-AuthLib:-SNAPSHOT'
to this
implementation 'com.github.TheAltening:TheAltening4j:master-SNAPSHOT' implementation 'com.github.TheAltening:API-Java-AuthLib:-SNAPSHOT' compile 'com.github.TheAltening:TheAltening4j:api-2.0-22541fa70f-1' compile 'com.github.TheAltening:API-Java-AuthLib:-SNAPSHOT'
help me please i cant build it any farther and somtimes i get the 'b83' is not used by Sver thing