(Probably) KillAura InteractAutoBlock problem
While hitting the same entity.
This is what killaura sends.
This is what clicking with mouse sends.
Look at the
client->server: play use_entity : {"target":2384,"mouse":2
, killaura sends"x":-85.3125,"y":69.36458587646484,"z":195.28125}
while clicking sends"x":-0.29304617643356323,"y":1.899999976158142,"z":0.2625722289085388}
.related code(killaura)
private fun startBlocking(interactEntity: Entity, interact: Boolean) { if (interact) { mc.netHandler.addToSendQueue(C02PacketUseEntity(interactEntity, interactEntity.positionVector)) // ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ mc.netHandler.addToSendQueue(C02PacketUseEntity(interactEntity, C02PacketUseEntity.Action.INTERACT)) } mc.netHandler.addToSendQueue(C08PacketPlayerBlockPlacement(mc.thePlayer.inventory.getCurrentItem())) blockingStatus = true }
mcp918 source
(line2 and line3 in function(func_178894_a
) body).
Btw does posting a snippet of mcp source count as leak? -
I was just too lazy to write packet dumper lol, they have a working example already xDDDD.
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Which build?
It was my custom build like a month ago, I haven't modified any KillAura's related code, I'll try that on the newest B73 nightly build.
Edit: The latest nightly build 7672ffa have the same behavior. -
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