NameTags | Color of nick
Please tell me line responsible for color of nickval fontRenderer = fontValue.get() val bot = AntiBot.isBot(entity) val nameColor = if (bot) "§f" else if (entity.isInvisible) "§f" else if (entity.isSneaking) "§f" else "§f" val ping = if (entity is EntityPlayer) EntityUtils.getPing(entity) else 0 val distanceText = if (distanceValue.get()) "§f${mc.thePlayer.getDistanceToEntity(entity).roundToInt()}m " else "" val pingText = if (pingValue.get() && entity is EntityPlayer) (if (ping > 200) "§c" else if (ping > 100) "§e" else "§a") + ping + "ms §f" else "" val healthText = if (healthValue.get()) "§f§c " + + " ❤" else "" val botText = if (bot) " §c§lBot" else "" val text = "$distanceText$pingText$nameColor$tag$healthText$botText"
@wxdbie said in NameTags | Color of nick:
Please tell me line responsible for color of nickval fontRenderer = fontValue.get() val bot = AntiBot.isBot(entity) val nameColor = if (bot) "§f" else if (entity.isInvisible) "§f" else if (entity.isSneaking) "§f" else "§f" val ping = if (entity is EntityPlayer) EntityUtils.getPing(entity) else 0 val distanceText = if (distanceValue.get()) "§f${mc.thePlayer.getDistanceToEntity(entity).roundToInt()}m " else "" val pingText = if (pingValue.get() && entity is EntityPlayer) (if (ping > 200) "§c" else if (ping > 100) "§e" else "§a") + ping + "ms §f" else "" val healthText = if (healthValue.get()) "§f§c " + + " ❤" else "" val botText = if (bot) " §c§lBot" else "" val text = "$distanceText$pingText$nameColor$tag$healthText$botText"
val nameColor = if (bot) "§f" else if (entity.isInvisible) "§f" else if (entity.isSneaking) "§f" else "§f"
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@wxdbie said in NameTags | Color of nick:
@mems but for reason it did not work:
val nameColor = if (bot) "§f" else if (entity.isInvisible) "§f" else if (entity.isSneaking) "§f" else "§f"
worked for me.But as it seems, you are either using a custom LiquidBounce, or the cross version edition of LiquidBounce, and I can't help with that.
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