[JS]A good Obfuscator :) (oof)
@cookiechinese isnt this the VulcanNoFall you sent or is this an updated version of that?
var scriptName = "VulcanNoFall"; var scriptVersion = 0.1; var scriptAuthor = "mumy++ & FDPTeams"; var C03PacketPlayer = Java.type("net.minecraft.network.play.client.C03PacketPlayer"); var MovementUtils = Java.type("net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.utils.MovementUtils"); var VulcanNoFall = new VulcanNoFall(); var client; function VulcanNoFall() { var doSpoof = false; var count = 0; this.getName = function() { return "VulcanNoFall"; }; this.getDescription = function() { return "VulcanNoFall-Module, By-mumy & FDPTeams"; }; this.getCategory = function() { return "Misc"; }; this.onEnable = function() { doSpoof = false; count = 0; }; this.onUpdate = function() { mc.thePlayer.fallDistance > 3.65 && (mc.thePlayer.fallDistance = 0, count = mc.isIntegratedServerRunning() ? 2 : 1, doSpoof = true); }; this.onWorld = function(c) {}; this.onPacket = function(c) { var f = c.getPacket(); f instanceof C03PacketPlayer && doSpoof && count > 0 && (--count, count === 0 && (doSpoof = false), f.onGround = true, f.y = Math.round(mc.thePlayer.posY * 2) / 2, mc.thePlayer.setPosition(mc.thePlayer.posX, f.y, mc.thePlayer.posZ)); }; } function onLoad() {}; function onEnable() { client = moduleManager.registerModule(VulcanNoFall); }; function onDisable() { moduleManager.unregisterModule(client); };