Why forks don't merge their changes with legacy liquidbounce and dont helping in developement?
Just make sure it's under the second rule I stated:
The code is ORIGINALLY from a LiquidBounce fork and then it may have been used by paid clients / clients that don't share the same license as LiquidBounce.
If the guy who made it stole it from a non-LiquidBounce fork, then sorry but no. If not, then feel free to make one.
real most hardest to find bypass
mc.thePlayer.motionY = mc.thePlayer.ticksExisted % 2 == 0 ? -0.2 : -0.1;
@Plumer-Man yeah, i made a script out of it to try and it was terrible
@mems Actually, FDPClient made the original AAC5 Fly, and had it's own AAC5 velocity values that do the same thing that Rise's later AAC5 Fly did. Also, Rise severely skidded from LiquidBounce (at least 5.90-5.100), with proof being here (I found it myself). It's just that some clients are too big to fail, so the developers resort to skidding, though I haven't seen skidded code in 6.0 yet.