KillAura Mark like Sigma5
modify killaura.kt
works in b72 idk it work or not in b73//add variables private var markEntity: EntityLivingBase? = null private val markTimer=MSTimer() //add this in private fun attackEntity(entity: EntityLivingBase) markEntity=entity //rewrite onRender3d @EventTarget fun onRender3D(event: Render3DEvent) { if (cancelRun) { target = null currentTarget = null hitable = false stopBlocking() } if (currentTarget != null && attackTimer.hasTimePassed(attackDelay) && currentTarget!!.hurtTime <= hurtTimeValue.get()) { clicks++ attackTimer.reset() attackDelay = TimeUtils.randomClickDelay(minCPS.get(), maxCPS.get()) } if (markValue.get() && markEntity!=null){ if(markTimer.hasTimePassed(500) || markEntity!!.isDead){ markEntity=null return } //can mark val drawTime = (System.currentTimeMillis() % 2000).toInt() val drawMode=drawTime>1000 var drawPercent=drawTime/1000F //true when goes up if(!drawMode){ drawPercent=1-drawPercent }else{ drawPercent-=1 } val points = mutableListOf<Vec3>() val bb=markEntity!!.entityBoundingBox val radius=bb.maxX-bb.minX val height=bb.maxY-bb.minY val posX = markEntity!!.lastTickPosX + (markEntity!!.posX - markEntity!!.lastTickPosX) * mc.timer.renderPartialTicks var posY = markEntity!!.lastTickPosY + (markEntity!!.posY - markEntity!!.lastTickPosY) * mc.timer.renderPartialTicks if(drawMode){ posY-=0.5 }else{ posY+=0.5 } val posZ = markEntity!!.lastTickPosZ + (markEntity!!.posZ - markEntity!!.lastTickPosZ) * mc.timer.renderPartialTicks for(i in 0..360 step 7){ points.add(Vec3(posX - sin(i * Math.PI / 180F) * radius,posY+height*drawPercent,posZ + cos(i * Math.PI / 180F) * radius)) } points.add(points[0]) //draw mc.entityRenderer.disableLightmap() GL11.glPushMatrix() GL11.glDisable(GL11.GL_TEXTURE_2D) GL11.glBlendFunc(GL11.GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL11.GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA) GL11.glEnable(GL11.GL_LINE_SMOOTH) GL11.glEnable(GL11.GL_BLEND) GL11.glDisable(GL11.GL_DEPTH_TEST) GL11.glBegin(GL11.GL_LINE_STRIP) for(i in 0..20) { var moveFace=(height/60F)*i if(drawMode){ moveFace=-moveFace } val firstPoint=points[0] GL11.glVertex3d( firstPoint.xCoord - mc.renderManager.viewerPosX, firstPoint.yCoord - moveFace - mc.renderManager.viewerPosY, firstPoint.zCoord - mc.renderManager.viewerPosZ ) GL11.glColor4f(1F, 1F, 1F, 0.7F*(i/20F)) for (vec3 in points) { GL11.glVertex3d( vec3.xCoord - mc.renderManager.viewerPosX, vec3.yCoord - moveFace - mc.renderManager.viewerPosY, vec3.zCoord - mc.renderManager.viewerPosZ ) } GL11.glColor4f(0F,0F,0F,0F) } GL11.glEnd() GL11.glEnable(GL11.GL_DEPTH_TEST) GL11.glDisable(GL11.GL_LINE_SMOOTH) GL11.glDisable(GL11.GL_BLEND) GL11.glEnable(GL11.GL_TEXTURE_2D) GL11.glPopMatrix() } }
@qwq-liulihaocai give your discord
@bestnickname i dont have discord,i only have qq 3320607236
For people who want that mark thing, here:
/* * LiquidBounce Hacked Client * A free open source mixin-based injection hacked client for Minecraft using Minecraft Forge. * */ package net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.features.module.modules.combat import net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.LiquidBounce import net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.api.MinecraftVersion import net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.api.enums.EnumFacingType import net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.api.enums.WEnumHand import net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.api.minecraft.client.entity.IEntity import net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.api.minecraft.client.entity.IEntityLivingBase import import import net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.api.minecraft.potion.PotionType import net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.api.minecraft.util.WBlockPos import net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.api.minecraft.util.WVec3 import import net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.event.* import net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.features.module.Module import net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.features.module.ModuleCategory import net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.features.module.ModuleInfo import net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.features.module.modules.misc.AntiBot import net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.features.module.modules.misc.Teams import net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.features.module.modules.player.Blink import net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.features.module.modules.render.FreeCam import net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.injection.backend.Backend import net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.utils.* import net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.utils.extensions.getDistanceToEntityBox import net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.utils.extensions.isAnimal import net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.utils.extensions.isClientFriend import net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.utils.extensions.isMob import net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.utils.misc.RandomUtils import net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.utils.render.RenderUtils import net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.utils.timer.MSTimer import net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.utils.timer.TimeUtils import net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.value.BoolValue import net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.value.FloatValue import net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.value.IntegerValue import net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.value.ListValue import net.minecraft.client.settings.KeyBinding import org.lwjgl.input.Keyboard import java.awt.Color import java.util.* import kotlin.math.* @ModuleInfo(name = "KillAura", description = "Automatically attacks targets around you.", category = ModuleCategory.COMBAT, keyBind = Keyboard.KEY_R) class KillAura : Module() { /** * OPTIONS */ // CPS - Attack speed private val maxCPS: IntegerValue = object : IntegerValue("MaxCPS", 8, 1, 20) { override fun onChanged(oldValue: Int, newValue: Int) { val i = minCPS.get() if (i > newValue) set(i) attackDelay = TimeUtils.randomClickDelay(minCPS.get(), this.get()) } } private val minCPS: IntegerValue = object : IntegerValue("MinCPS", 5, 1, 20) { override fun onChanged(oldValue: Int, newValue: Int) { val i = maxCPS.get() if (i < newValue) set(i) attackDelay = TimeUtils.randomClickDelay(this.get(), maxCPS.get()) } } private val hurtTimeValue = IntegerValue("HurtTime", 10, 0, 10) private val cooldownValue = FloatValue("Cooldown", 1f, 0f, 1f) // Range private val rangeValue = FloatValue("Range", 3.7f, 1f, 8f) private val throughWallsRangeValue = FloatValue("ThroughWallsRange", 3f, 0f, 8f) private val rangeSprintReducementValue = FloatValue("RangeSprintReducement", 0f, 0f, 0.4f) // Modes private val priorityValue = ListValue("Priority", arrayOf("Health", "Distance", "Direction", "LivingTime"), "Distance") private val targetModeValue = ListValue("TargetMode", arrayOf("Single", "Switch", "Multi"), "Switch") // Bypass private val swingValue = BoolValue("Swing", true) private val keepSprintValue = BoolValue("KeepSprint", true) // AutoBlock private val autoBlockValue = ListValue("AutoBlock", arrayOf("Off", "Packet", "AfterTick"), "Packet") private val interactAutoBlockValue = BoolValue("InteractAutoBlock", true) private val blockRate = IntegerValue("BlockRate", 100, 1, 100) // Raycast private val raycastValue = BoolValue("RayCast", true) private val raycastIgnoredValue = BoolValue("RayCastIgnored", false) private val livingRaycastValue = BoolValue("LivingRayCast", true) // Bypass private val aacValue = BoolValue("AAC", false) // Turn Speed private val maxTurnSpeed: FloatValue = object : FloatValue("MaxTurnSpeed", 180f, 0f, 180f) { override fun onChanged(oldValue: Float, newValue: Float) { val v = minTurnSpeed.get() if (v > newValue) set(v) } } private val minTurnSpeed: FloatValue = object : FloatValue("MinTurnSpeed", 180f, 0f, 180f) { override fun onChanged(oldValue: Float, newValue: Float) { val v = maxTurnSpeed.get() if (v < newValue) set(v) } } private val silentRotationValue = BoolValue("SilentRotation", true) private val rotationStrafeValue = ListValue("Strafe", arrayOf("Off", "Strict", "Silent"), "Off") private val randomCenterValue = BoolValue("RandomCenter", true) private val outborderValue = BoolValue("Outborder", false) private val fovValue = FloatValue("FOV", 180f, 0f, 180f) // Predict private val predictValue = BoolValue("Predict", true) private val maxPredictSize: FloatValue = object : FloatValue("MaxPredictSize", 1f, 0.1f, 5f) { override fun onChanged(oldValue: Float, newValue: Float) { val v = minPredictSize.get() if (v > newValue) set(v) } } private val minPredictSize: FloatValue = object : FloatValue("MinPredictSize", 1f, 0.1f, 5f) { override fun onChanged(oldValue: Float, newValue: Float) { val v = maxPredictSize.get() if (v < newValue) set(v) } } // Bypass private val failRateValue = FloatValue("FailRate", 0f, 0f, 100f) private val fakeSwingValue = BoolValue("FakeSwing", true) private val noInventoryAttackValue = BoolValue("NoInvAttack", false) private val noInventoryDelayValue = IntegerValue("NoInvDelay", 200, 0, 500) private val limitedMultiTargetsValue = IntegerValue("LimitedMultiTargets", 0, 0, 50) // Visuals private val markValue = BoolValue("Mark", true) private val fakeSharpValue = BoolValue("FakeSharp", true) /** * MODULE */ // Target var target: IEntityLivingBase? = null private var currentTarget: IEntityLivingBase? = null private var hitable = false private val prevTargetEntities = mutableListOf<Int>() // Attack delay private val attackTimer = MSTimer() private var attackDelay = 0L private var clicks = 0 // Container Delay private var containerOpen = -1L // Fake block status var blockingStatus = false init { cooldownValue.isSupported = Backend.REPRESENTED_BACKEND_VERSION != MinecraftVersion.MC_1_8 } /** * Enable kill aura module */ override fun onEnable() { mc.thePlayer ?: return mc.theWorld ?: return updateTarget() } /** * Disable kill aura module */ override fun onDisable() { target = null currentTarget = null hitable = false prevTargetEntities.clear() attackTimer.reset() clicks = 0 stopBlocking() } /** * Motion event */ @EventTarget fun onMotion(event: MotionEvent) { if (event.eventState == EventState.POST) { target ?: return currentTarget ?: return // Update hitable updateHitable() // AutoBlock if (autoBlockValue.get().equals("AfterTick", true) && canBlock) startBlocking(currentTarget!!, hitable) return } if (rotationStrafeValue.get().equals("Off", true)) update() } /** * Strafe event */ @EventTarget fun onStrafe(event: StrafeEvent) { if (rotationStrafeValue.get().equals("Off", true)) return update() if (currentTarget != null && RotationUtils.targetRotation != null) { when (rotationStrafeValue.get().toLowerCase()) { "strict" -> { val (yaw) = RotationUtils.targetRotation ?: return var strafe = event.strafe var forward = event.forward val friction = event.friction var f = strafe * strafe + forward * forward if (f >= 1.0E-4F) { f = sqrt(f) if (f < 1.0F) f = 1.0F f = friction / f strafe *= f forward *= f val yawSin = sin((yaw * Math.PI / 180F).toFloat()) val yawCos = cos((yaw * Math.PI / 180F).toFloat()) val player = mc.thePlayer!! player.motionX += strafe * yawCos - forward * yawSin player.motionZ += forward * yawCos + strafe * yawSin } event.cancelEvent() } "silent" -> { update() RotationUtils.targetRotation.applyStrafeToPlayer(event) event.cancelEvent() } } } } fun update() { if (cancelRun || (noInventoryAttackValue.get() && (classProvider.isGuiContainer(mc.currentScreen) || System.currentTimeMillis() - containerOpen < noInventoryDelayValue.get()))) return // Update target updateTarget() if (target == null) { stopBlocking() return } // Target currentTarget = target if (!targetModeValue.get().equals("Switch", ignoreCase = true) && isEnemy(currentTarget)) target = currentTarget } /** * Update event */ @EventTarget fun onUpdate(event: UpdateEvent) { if (cancelRun) { target = null currentTarget = null hitable = false stopBlocking() return } if (noInventoryAttackValue.get() && (classProvider.isGuiContainer(mc.currentScreen) || System.currentTimeMillis() - containerOpen < noInventoryDelayValue.get())) { target = null currentTarget = null hitable = false if (classProvider.isGuiContainer(mc.currentScreen)) containerOpen = System.currentTimeMillis() return } if (target != null && currentTarget != null && (Backend.MINECRAFT_VERSION_MINOR == 8 || mc.thePlayer!!.getCooledAttackStrength(0.0F) >= cooldownValue.get())) { while (clicks > 0) { runAttack() clicks-- } } } /** * Render event */ //add variables private var markEntity: EntityLivingBase? = null private val markTimer=MSTimer() //add this in private fun attackEntity(entity: EntityLivingBase) markEntity=entity @EventTarget fun onRender3D(event: Render3DEvent) { if (cancelRun) { target = null currentTarget = null hitable = false stopBlocking() } if (currentTarget != null && attackTimer.hasTimePassed(attackDelay) && currentTarget!!.hurtTime <= hurtTimeValue.get()) { clicks++ attackTimer.reset() attackDelay = TimeUtils.randomClickDelay(minCPS.get(), maxCPS.get()) } if (markValue.get() && markEntity!=null){ if(markTimer.hasTimePassed(500) || markEntity!!.isDead){ markEntity=null return } //can mark val drawTime = (System.currentTimeMillis() % 2000).toInt() val drawMode=drawTime>1000 var drawPercent=drawTime/1000F //true when goes up if(!drawMode){ drawPercent=1-drawPercent }else{ drawPercent-=1 } val points = mutableListOf<Vec3>() val bb=markEntity!!.entityBoundingBox val radius=bb.maxX-bb.minX val height=bb.maxY-bb.minY val posX = markEntity!!.lastTickPosX + (markEntity!!.posX - markEntity!!.lastTickPosX) * mc.timer.renderPartialTicks var posY = markEntity!!.lastTickPosY + (markEntity!!.posY - markEntity!!.lastTickPosY) * mc.timer.renderPartialTicks if(drawMode){ posY-=0.5 }else{ posY+=0.5 } val posZ = markEntity!!.lastTickPosZ + (markEntity!!.posZ - markEntity!!.lastTickPosZ) * mc.timer.renderPartialTicks for(i in 0..360 step 7){ points.add(Vec3(posX - sin(i * Math.PI / 180F) * radius,posY+height*drawPercent,posZ + cos(i * Math.PI / 180F) * radius)) } points.add(points[0]) //draw mc.entityRenderer.disableLightmap() GL11.glPushMatrix() GL11.glDisable(GL11.GL_TEXTURE_2D) GL11.glBlendFunc(GL11.GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL11.GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA) GL11.glEnable(GL11.GL_LINE_SMOOTH) GL11.glEnable(GL11.GL_BLEND) GL11.glDisable(GL11.GL_DEPTH_TEST) GL11.glBegin(GL11.GL_LINE_STRIP) for(i in 0..20) { var moveFace=(height/60F)*i if(drawMode){ moveFace=-moveFace } val firstPoint=points[0] GL11.glVertex3d( firstPoint.xCoord - mc.renderManager.viewerPosX, firstPoint.yCoord - moveFace - mc.renderManager.viewerPosY, firstPoint.zCoord - mc.renderManager.viewerPosZ ) GL11.glColor4f(1F, 1F, 1F, 0.7F*(i/20F)) for (vec3 in points) { GL11.glVertex3d( vec3.xCoord - mc.renderManager.viewerPosX, vec3.yCoord - moveFace - mc.renderManager.viewerPosY, vec3.zCoord - mc.renderManager.viewerPosZ ) } GL11.glColor4f(0F,0F,0F,0F) } GL11.glEnd() GL11.glEnable(GL11.GL_DEPTH_TEST) GL11.glDisable(GL11.GL_LINE_SMOOTH) GL11.glDisable(GL11.GL_BLEND) GL11.glEnable(GL11.GL_TEXTURE_2D) GL11.glPopMatrix() } } /** * Handle entity move */ @EventTarget fun onEntityMove(event: EntityMovementEvent) { val movedEntity = event.movedEntity if (target == null || movedEntity != currentTarget) return updateHitable() } /** * Attack enemy */ private fun runAttack() { target ?: return currentTarget ?: return val thePlayer = mc.thePlayer ?: return val theWorld = mc.theWorld ?: return // Settings val failRate = failRateValue.get() val swing = swingValue.get() val multi = targetModeValue.get().equals("Multi", ignoreCase = true) val openInventory = aacValue.get() && classProvider.isGuiContainer(mc.currentScreen) val failHit = failRate > 0 && Random().nextInt(100) <= failRate // Close inventory when open if (openInventory) mc.netHandler.addToSendQueue(classProvider.createCPacketCloseWindow()) // Check is not hitable or check failrate if (!hitable || failHit) { if (swing && (fakeSwingValue.get() || failHit)) thePlayer.swingItem() } else { // Attack if (!multi) { attackEntity(currentTarget!!) } else { var targets = 0 for (entity in theWorld.loadedEntityList) { val distance = thePlayer.getDistanceToEntityBox(entity) if (classProvider.isEntityLivingBase(entity) && isEnemy(entity) && distance <= getRange(entity)) { attackEntity(entity.asEntityLivingBase()) targets += 1 if (limitedMultiTargetsValue.get() != 0 && limitedMultiTargetsValue.get() <= targets) break } } } prevTargetEntities.add(if (aacValue.get()) target!!.entityId else currentTarget!!.entityId) if (target == currentTarget) target = null } // Open inventory if (openInventory) mc.netHandler.addToSendQueue(createOpenInventoryPacket()) } /** * Update current target */ private fun updateTarget() { // Reset fixed target to null target = null // Settings val hurtTime = hurtTimeValue.get() val fov = fovValue.get() val switchMode = targetModeValue.get().equals("Switch", ignoreCase = true) // Find possible targets val targets = mutableListOf<IEntityLivingBase>() val theWorld = mc.theWorld!! val thePlayer = mc.thePlayer!! for (entity in theWorld.loadedEntityList) { if (!classProvider.isEntityLivingBase(entity) || !isEnemy(entity) || (switchMode && prevTargetEntities.contains(entity.entityId))) continue val distance = thePlayer.getDistanceToEntityBox(entity) val entityFov = RotationUtils.getRotationDifference(entity) if (distance <= maxRange && (fov == 180F || entityFov <= fov) && entity.asEntityLivingBase().hurtTime <= hurtTime) targets.add(entity.asEntityLivingBase()) } // Sort targets by priority when (priorityValue.get().toLowerCase()) { "distance" -> targets.sortBy { thePlayer.getDistanceToEntityBox(it) } // Sort by distance "health" -> targets.sortBy { } // Sort by health "direction" -> targets.sortBy { RotationUtils.getRotationDifference(it) } // Sort by FOV "livingtime" -> targets.sortBy { -it.ticksExisted } // Sort by existence } // Find best target for (entity in targets) { // Update rotations to current target if (!updateRotations(entity)) // when failed then try another target continue // Set target to current entity target = entity return } // Cleanup last targets when no target found and try again if (prevTargetEntities.isNotEmpty()) { prevTargetEntities.clear() updateTarget() } } /** * Check if [entity] is selected as enemy with current target options and other modules */ private fun isEnemy(entity: IEntity?): Boolean { if (classProvider.isEntityLivingBase(entity) && entity != null && (EntityUtils.targetDead || isAlive(entity.asEntityLivingBase())) && entity != mc.thePlayer) { if (!EntityUtils.targetInvisible && entity.invisible) return false if (EntityUtils.targetPlayer && classProvider.isEntityPlayer(entity)) { val player = entity.asEntityPlayer() if (player.spectator || AntiBot.isBot(player)) return false if (player.isClientFriend() && !LiquidBounce.moduleManager[].state) return false val teams = LiquidBounce.moduleManager[] as Teams return !teams.state || !teams.isInYourTeam(entity.asEntityLivingBase()) } return EntityUtils.targetMobs && entity.isMob() || EntityUtils.targetAnimals && entity.isAnimal() } return false } /** * Attack [entity] */ private fun attackEntity(entity: IEntityLivingBase) { // Stop blocking val thePlayer = mc.thePlayer!! if (thePlayer.isBlocking || blockingStatus) stopBlocking() // Call attack event LiquidBounce.eventManager.callEvent(AttackEvent(entity)) // Attack target if (swingValue.get() && Backend.MINECRAFT_VERSION_MINOR == 8) thePlayer.swingItem() mc.netHandler.addToSendQueue(classProvider.createCPacketUseEntity(entity, ICPacketUseEntity.WAction.ATTACK)) if (swingValue.get() && Backend.MINECRAFT_VERSION_MINOR != 8) thePlayer.swingItem() if (keepSprintValue.get()) { // Critical Effect if (thePlayer.fallDistance > 0F && !thePlayer.onGround && !thePlayer.isOnLadder && !thePlayer.isInWater && !thePlayer.isPotionActive(classProvider.getPotionEnum(PotionType.BLINDNESS)) && !thePlayer.isRiding) thePlayer.onCriticalHit(entity) // Enchant Effect if (functions.getModifierForCreature(thePlayer.heldItem, entity.creatureAttribute) > 0F) thePlayer.onEnchantmentCritical(entity) } else { if (mc.playerController.currentGameType != IWorldSettings.WGameType.SPECTATOR) thePlayer.attackTargetEntityWithCurrentItem(entity) } // Extra critical effects val criticals = LiquidBounce.moduleManager[] as Criticals for (i in 0..2) { // Critical Effect if (thePlayer.fallDistance > 0F && !thePlayer.onGround && !thePlayer.isOnLadder && !thePlayer.isInWater && !thePlayer.isPotionActive(classProvider.getPotionEnum(PotionType.BLINDNESS)) && thePlayer.ridingEntity == null || criticals.state && criticals.msTimer.hasTimePassed(criticals.delayValue.get().toLong()) && !thePlayer.isInWater && !thePlayer.isInLava && !thePlayer.isInWeb) thePlayer.onCriticalHit(target!!) // Enchant Effect if (functions.getModifierForCreature(thePlayer.heldItem, target!!.creatureAttribute) > 0.0f || fakeSharpValue.get()) thePlayer.onEnchantmentCritical(target!!) } // Start blocking after attack if (autoBlockValue.get().equals("Packet", true) && (thePlayer.isBlocking || canBlock)) startBlocking(entity, interactAutoBlockValue.get()) @Suppress("ConstantConditionIf") if (Backend.MINECRAFT_VERSION_MINOR != 8) { thePlayer.resetCooldown() } } /** * Update killaura rotations to enemy */ private fun updateRotations(entity: IEntity): Boolean { if (maxTurnSpeed.get() <= 0F) return true var boundingBox = entity.entityBoundingBox if (predictValue.get()) boundingBox = boundingBox.offset( (entity.posX - entity.prevPosX - (mc.thePlayer!!.posX - mc.thePlayer!!.prevPosX)) * RandomUtils.nextFloat(minPredictSize.get(), maxPredictSize.get()), (entity.posY - entity.prevPosY - (mc.thePlayer!!.posY - mc.thePlayer!!.prevPosY)) * RandomUtils.nextFloat(minPredictSize.get(), maxPredictSize.get()), (entity.posZ - entity.prevPosZ - (mc.thePlayer!!.posZ - mc.thePlayer!!.prevPosZ)) * RandomUtils.nextFloat(minPredictSize.get(), maxPredictSize.get()) ) val (_, rotation) = RotationUtils.searchCenter( boundingBox, outborderValue.get() && !attackTimer.hasTimePassed(attackDelay / 2), randomCenterValue.get(), predictValue.get(), mc.thePlayer!!.getDistanceToEntityBox(entity) < throughWallsRangeValue.get(), maxRange ) ?: return false val limitedRotation = RotationUtils.limitAngleChange(RotationUtils.serverRotation, rotation, (Math.random() * (maxTurnSpeed.get() - minTurnSpeed.get()) + minTurnSpeed.get()).toFloat()) if (silentRotationValue.get()) RotationUtils.setTargetRotation(limitedRotation, if (aacValue.get()) 15 else 0) else limitedRotation.toPlayer(mc.thePlayer!!) return true } /** * Check if enemy is hitable with current rotations */ private fun updateHitable() { // Disable hitable check if turn speed is zero if (maxTurnSpeed.get() <= 0F) { hitable = true return } val reach = min(maxRange.toDouble(), mc.thePlayer!!.getDistanceToEntityBox(target!!)) + 1 if (raycastValue.get()) { val raycastedEntity = RaycastUtils.raycastEntity(reach, object : RaycastUtils.EntityFilter { override fun canRaycast(entity: IEntity?): Boolean { return (!livingRaycastValue.get() || (classProvider.isEntityLivingBase(entity) && !classProvider.isEntityArmorStand(entity))) && (isEnemy(entity) || raycastIgnoredValue.get() || aacValue.get() && mc.theWorld!!.getEntitiesWithinAABBExcludingEntity(entity, entity!!.entityBoundingBox).isNotEmpty()) } }) if (raycastValue.get() && raycastedEntity != null && classProvider.isEntityLivingBase(raycastedEntity) && (LiquidBounce.moduleManager[].state || !(classProvider.isEntityPlayer(raycastedEntity) && raycastedEntity.asEntityPlayer().isClientFriend()))) currentTarget = raycastedEntity.asEntityLivingBase() hitable = if (maxTurnSpeed.get() > 0F) currentTarget == raycastedEntity else true } else hitable = RotationUtils.isFaced(currentTarget, reach) } /** * Start blocking */ private fun startBlocking(interactEntity: IEntity, interact: Boolean) { if (!(blockRate.get() > 0 && Random().nextInt(100) <= blockRate.get())) return if (interact) { val positionEye = mc.renderViewEntity?.getPositionEyes(1F) val expandSize = interactEntity.collisionBorderSize.toDouble() val boundingBox = interactEntity.entityBoundingBox.expand(expandSize, expandSize, expandSize) val (yaw, pitch) = RotationUtils.targetRotation ?: Rotation(mc.thePlayer!!.rotationYaw, mc.thePlayer!!.rotationPitch) val yawCos = cos(-yaw * 0.017453292F - Math.PI.toFloat()) val yawSin = sin(-yaw * 0.017453292F - Math.PI.toFloat()) val pitchCos = -cos(-pitch * 0.017453292F) val pitchSin = sin(-pitch * 0.017453292F) val range = min(maxRange.toDouble(), mc.thePlayer!!.getDistanceToEntityBox(interactEntity)) + 1 val lookAt = positionEye!!.addVector(yawSin * pitchCos * range, pitchSin * range, yawCos * pitchCos * range) val movingObject = boundingBox.calculateIntercept(positionEye, lookAt) ?: return val hitVec = movingObject.hitVec mc.netHandler.addToSendQueue(classProvider.createCPacketUseEntity(interactEntity, WVec3( hitVec.xCoord - interactEntity.posX, hitVec.yCoord - interactEntity.posY, hitVec.zCoord - interactEntity.posZ) )) mc.netHandler.addToSendQueue(classProvider.createCPacketUseEntity(interactEntity, ICPacketUseEntity.WAction.INTERACT)) } mc.netHandler.addToSendQueue(classProvider.createCPacketPlayerBlockPlacement(WBlockPos(-1, -1, -1), 255, mc.thePlayer!!.inventory.getCurrentItemInHand(), 0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F)) blockingStatus = true } /** * Stop blocking */ private fun stopBlocking() { if (blockingStatus) { mc.netHandler.addToSendQueue(classProvider.createCPacketPlayerDigging(ICPacketPlayerDigging.WAction.RELEASE_USE_ITEM, WBlockPos.ORIGIN, classProvider.getEnumFacing(EnumFacingType.DOWN))) blockingStatus = false } } /** * Check if run should be cancelled */ private val cancelRun: Boolean inline get() = mc.thePlayer!!.spectator || !isAlive(mc.thePlayer!!) || LiquidBounce.moduleManager[].state || LiquidBounce.moduleManager[].state /** * Check if [entity] is alive */ private fun isAlive(entity: IEntityLivingBase) = entity.entityAlive && > 0 || aacValue.get() && entity.hurtTime > 5 /** * Check if player is able to block */ private val canBlock: Boolean inline get() = mc.thePlayer!!.heldItem != null && classProvider.isItemSword(mc.thePlayer!!.heldItem!!.item) && Backend.MINECRAFT_VERSION_MINOR == 8 /** * Range */ private val maxRange: Float get() = max(rangeValue.get(), throughWallsRangeValue.get()) private fun getRange(entity: IEntity) = (if (mc.thePlayer!!.getDistanceToEntityBox(entity) >= throughWallsRangeValue.get()) rangeValue.get() else throughWallsRangeValue.get()) - if (mc.thePlayer!!.sprinting) rangeSprintReducementValue.get() else 0F /** * HUD Tag */ override val tag: String? get() = targetModeValue.get() val isBlockingChestAura: Boolean get() = state && target != null }
EDIT: I have no idea if this will work or not on b73, I just copied it from the gentleman and pasted it in the KillAura module.
package what.modules.render import net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.LiquidBounce import net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.event.EventTarget import net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.event.Render3DEvent import net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.features.module.Module import net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.features.module.ModuleCategory import net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.features.module.ModuleInfo import net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.features.module.modules.combat.KillAura import net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.utils.timer.MSTimer import net.minecraft.entity.EntityLivingBase import net.minecraft.util.Vec3 import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11 import java.lang.Math.cos import java.lang.Math.sin @ModuleInfo(name = "TargetMark", description = "Draws a circle around your target just like sigma (BEST CLIENT 2021 DOWNLOAD NO VIRUS 2020 FREE)", category = ModuleCategory.RENDER) class TargetMark: Module() { private var markEntity: EntityLivingBase? = null private val markTimer = MSTimer() @EventTarget fun onRender3D(event: Render3DEvent) { markEntity = (LiquidBounce.moduleManager[] as KillAura).target; if (markEntity != null){ if(markTimer.hasTimePassed(500) || markEntity!!.isDead){ markTimer.reset() markEntity = null return } //can mark val drawTime = (System.currentTimeMillis() % 2000).toInt() val drawMode=drawTime>1000 var drawPercent=drawTime/1000F //true when goes up if(!drawMode){ drawPercent=1-drawPercent }else{ drawPercent-=1 } val points = mutableListOf<Vec3>() val bb=markEntity!!.entityBoundingBox val radius=bb.maxX-bb.minX val height=bb.maxY-bb.minY val posX = markEntity!!.lastTickPosX + (markEntity!!.posX - markEntity!!.lastTickPosX) * mc.timer.renderPartialTicks var posY = markEntity!!.lastTickPosY + (markEntity!!.posY - markEntity!!.lastTickPosY) * mc.timer.renderPartialTicks if(drawMode){ posY-=0.5 }else{ posY+=0.5 } val posZ = markEntity!!.lastTickPosZ + (markEntity!!.posZ - markEntity!!.lastTickPosZ) * mc.timer.renderPartialTicks for(i in 0..360 step 7){ points.add(Vec3(posX - sin(i * Math.PI / 180F) * radius,posY+height*drawPercent,posZ + cos(i * Math.PI / 180F) * radius)) } points.add(points[0]) //draw mc.entityRenderer.disableLightmap() GL11.glPushMatrix() GL11.glDisable(GL11.GL_TEXTURE_2D) GL11.glBlendFunc(GL11.GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL11.GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA) GL11.glEnable(GL11.GL_LINE_SMOOTH) GL11.glEnable(GL11.GL_BLEND) GL11.glDisable(GL11.GL_DEPTH_TEST) GL11.glBegin(GL11.GL_LINE_STRIP) for(i in 0..20) { var moveFace=(height/60F)*i if(drawMode){ moveFace=-moveFace } val firstPoint=points[0] GL11.glVertex3d( firstPoint.xCoord - mc.renderManager.viewerPosX, firstPoint.yCoord - moveFace - mc.renderManager.viewerPosY, firstPoint.zCoord - mc.renderManager.viewerPosZ ) GL11.glColor4f(1F, 1F, 1F, 0.7F*(i/20F)) for (vec3 in points) { GL11.glVertex3d( vec3.xCoord - mc.renderManager.viewerPosX, vec3.yCoord - moveFace - mc.renderManager.viewerPosY, vec3.zCoord - mc.renderManager.viewerPosZ ) } GL11.glColor4f(0F,0F,0F,0F) } GL11.glEnd() GL11.glEnable(GL11.GL_DEPTH_TEST) GL11.glDisable(GL11.GL_LINE_SMOOTH) GL11.glDisable(GL11.GL_BLEND) GL11.glEnable(GL11.GL_TEXTURE_2D) GL11.glPopMatrix() } } }
independant module if some one doesn't want to replace anything
sigma on top
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@qwq-liulihaocai where is killaura.kt? Xd
@itz_pander said in KillAura Mark like Sigma5:
@qwq-liulihaocai where is killaura.kt? Xd
if you don't know where is it then don't learn how to code
@itz_pander if u cant find it,it proofs u dont know how 2 modify it
@Fidazxaaa maybe actually read the // lines?
@chocopiexd Did not notice thank u :)
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