KillAuraPatch 3.0
@czechhek said in KillAuraPatch 1.0:
@yorik100 said in KillAuraPatch 1.0:
@czechhek Nice, a Core script that loads properly with ScriptAPIv2
Don't know any other person that's having problems with loading scripts using Core tho.
Ye, I updated Core lib on the wrong Minecraft instance before XD
@gabriel Well, I've looked into it. The strict rotations strafe doesn't make much sense to me, like why would you go backwards when trying to go on the opposite site? It should make you go backwards on the server. This stuff is pretty complicated.
Of course I can fix this but it doesn't make much sense why it is like it is in the first place, makes it pretty uncontrollable.
@czechhek said in KillAuraPatch 1.0:
The strict rotations strafe doesn't make much sense to me, like why would you go backwards when trying to go on the opposite site? It should make you go backwards on the server. This stuff is pretty complicated.
That's why they made a silent one actually, strict makes you move based on your server side rotation, "you go backwards when trying to go on the opposite side", instead of going backwards following the client's input, it makes you go backwards server sided, it's shit but it's useful for people who're used to it and useful to target strafe
@yorik100 said in KillAuraPatch 1.0:
@mems said in KillAuraPatch 1.0:
Or you could simply set your game's sensitivity to 45%/50%.
Doesn't have anything to do with sprinting backwards/sideways
He was responding to the GCD patch that makes it bypass Matrix.
@mems Yes it is meant to simulate that you have sensitivity on 45%, but almost any other than 25%, 50% and 100% work with this method for some reason.
@yorik100 said in KillAuraPatch 1.0:
@czechhek it's making you sprint sideways and backwards most of the time when you hit an enemy that is behind you
There is already a feature trying to solving that in Sprint, it requires checkServerSide to be toggled on.
RotationUtils.getRotationDifference(new Rotation(mc.thePlayer.rotationYaw, mc.thePlayer.rotationPitch)) > 30
However there should be MovementUtils.getDirection() instead of player's rotationYaw and another major issue of this line is that it also counts pitch difference so it's absolutely broken in total.
idk its still flagging...
@czechhek said in KillAuraPatch 1.0:
To make KillAura bypass Matrix:
- Enable RotationsPatch.
- Set GCDSensitivity to an odd number (any number except multiples of five should work), set it as close to your real sensitivity as possible.
(I had sensitivity on 100% and GCDSensitivity on 99)