Jartex/Matrix BHop
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is this a joke?
vanilla sprint jumping faster than this shit -
@fart-sex i updated the script so it doesnt be slower when disabled, i forgot to put it on the website i fixed that yesterday
omg insane bypass?? 0.5 bps speed??????
@ender1355 What..
mc.timer.timerSpeed = 1.0115 mc.timer.timerSpeed = 1.05
mc.thePlayer.setSprinting(true); mc.thePlayer.serverSprintState = true;
mc.thePlayer.speedInAir = 0.015
module.on('disable', function() { mc.thePlayer.speedInAir = 0 });
Is this code...
@ender1355 If you don't flag on AAC even when it's disabled I will give you money
@ender1355 Go to an AAC server, enable and then disable your script. If it doesn't flag I will give you some money. If it flags, you give me some money.
@ender1355 just do it go on a test server, choose aac and tell me if it flags
@mems Currently test.kons.co doesn't have AAC like what the hell?
@ender1355 loyisa