yeah i guess?
andhanu putra
add hitmark and reducecps in killaura -
add hitmark and reducecps in killaura-hitmark: it render where your killaura is aiming at
-reducecps: it reduce your cps at certains time in fighting the enemypls add this
add not onkb option in tickbasepls add this
add hit select for killaura@EclipsesDev well it is kinda working but when you get to a close range fight youll lose easily with legit player i wanna have it like when you get two ot three hits youll automaticly hitselect the player
backtrack keep crashing when near playerpls fix this is so annoying
killaura crashing on legacyidk why when the killaura gets close to the player it just crash for no reason
add hit select for killaura@EclipsesDev does that even bypass polar and intave?
add hit select for killaurathis module will help combo somuch easier!
add pre-load into tickbaseThis module superusefull for modern anticheat like polar,intave
add noise to the killaura settings and dots to the visual@kawaiinekololis yes i have tried the latest version and still getting the same fps or even worse
add noise to the killaura settings and dots to the visual@kawaiinekololis well when i use liquid ng i'm always getting low fps like 30 fps max at that point i can't even enjoyed when i'm playing i always get lag spike even using sodium isnt enough to get high fps
add noise to the killaura settings and dots to the visual@EclipsesDev yeah
add noise to the killaura settings and dots to the visualwell what about the legacy version my laptop is not good enough to run lb nextgen
add noise to the killaura settings and dots to the visualnoise is like a random rotations but not pertick like noise will kept making random rotations and dots to the killaura visual pls
pls add keepsprint mode onlywhennohurttimePls add keepsprint mode onlywhennohurttime and hitselect in killaura add in lb ng and lb legacy this would help combo so much easier!
Pls make the client not laggy@TheHackerLxrd gimmer your dc server i want that fps boost ma boy
Give me script cuz yesno i just want the legit velo in lb to be in a script so i can use it in any forge client
Pls make the client not laggyPls make the performance better becouse when i played on other client is not that laggy i get 70-95 max fps but when i played on lb my fps drop so much i onlt got 10-27 fps, pls make the performance better.
Give me script cuz yesI want polar velo script
add LagRange@EclipsesDev Well it is different lagrange is base on blink while fakelag is base on server lag or idk and when i turn off fakelag sometimes it kicks me on polar server while lagrange not cuz lagrange is base on blink