Alright, thanks.
Intave Config10 Apr 2024, 00:33 -
Intave Config9 Apr 2024, 06:00Never heard of LiquidCloud, where is that?
Intave Config9 Apr 2024, 04:18For some reason the online configs people post for Intave anti-cheat never seem to work well or flags a bit so I am going to post my own config for Intave (note: not taking credit for the config, just an edited version of the online Intave config at the time of this post, which was made by SydniGleichner5). It should work fine, even my account that has a low trust factor (if they still have that feature) bypasses it decently well with this config. Also, you can probably edit the chest stealer if you have low ping, I have high ping which messes up the chest stealer checks for some reason (flags even when I am legit lol).
Note to SydniGleichner5: The autoblock you have does not work, Intave simply blocks the damage resistance when you have full autoblock, but doesn't flag (I think, unless they changed the checks).
Config (all automatically enabled modules should work):
AutoPotion26 Mar 2024, 01:54Dam the more you know lol, guess you gotta do it yourself rn
cant join a server after crashing it (idk if thats the reason but it was up again)25 Mar 2024, 03:30Seems to be a problem with via version
AutoPotion25 Mar 2024, 03:27Change config? Believe there is an option for it to throw a fire resistance potion.
AutoToggle Module Script - Liquidbounce Nextgen22 Mar 2024, 05:57Fun simple script I made that allows you to auto toggle modules you would like. For example, the default config makes an anti-Vulcan limit so when you are scaffolding it won't flag the pretty poorly made limit checks on Vulcan (most of the time).
Auto Toggle Script:
const script = registerScript({ name: "AutoToggle", version: "1.0.0", authors: ["IgniteTNT"] }); script.registerModule({ name: "AutoToggle", category: "Misc", description: "Automatically toggles on and off a module.", settings: { moduleName: Setting.text({ name: "Module Name", default: "Sneak" }), moduleOn:{ name: "On Ticks", default: 2, range: [0, 100] }), moduleOff:{ name: "Off Ticks", default: 22, range: [0, 100] }) } }, (mod) => { let ticksPassed = 0; let trackOnOrOff = false; let justEnabledReset = true; const module = Client.moduleManager.getModuleByName(mod.settings.moduleName.value); mod.on("enable", () => { if (!module) { trackOnOrOff = false; Client.displayChatMessage("§cModule not found: " + mod.settings.moduleName.value); return; } module.enabled = true; }); mod.on("disable", () => { ticksPassed = 0; module.enabled = false; }); mod.on("playerTick", () => { if (ticksPassed > 1 && justEnabledReset == true ) { module.enabled = false; } ticksPassed++; if (trackOnOrOff == false && ticksPassed >= mod.settings.moduleOff.value) { module.enabled = true; trackOnOrOff = !trackOnOrOff; ticksPassed = 0; } else if (trackOnOrOff == true && ticksPassed >= mod.settings.moduleOn.value) { module.enabled = false; trackOnOrOff = !trackOnOrOff; ticksPassed = 0; } }); });
Video For Demonstration (posted on random account):
Auto Toggle Script Showcase - Liquidbounce Nextgen – 01:00
— Benny Charles -
Help With Fixing Code21 Mar 2024, 21:13It doesn't seem to like mc.gameSettings.keyBindSneak.pressed works, weird.
Sneak Packet20 Mar 2024, 04:13I know this sounds rather dumb that I don't know this, but how do you send out a packet onto the server (like sending a sneak packet to spoof that you sneaked for 1 tick in the server's eyes). Liquidbounce nextgen, not legacy
Help With Fixing Code18 Feb 2024, 20:01What is the syntax for tick events?
Help With Fixing Code18 Feb 2024, 03:42Still doesn't work, thank you for attempting it though!
Help With Fixing Code18 Feb 2024, 03:30Thank you!
Help With Liquidbounce Nextgen ScriptingAPI11 Feb 2024, 06:38My stuff is gone now?
Help With Fixing Code11 Feb 2024, 06:07Can Somebody Help Me To Get The Code Down Below To Work? I Am Slightly Confused On This Scripting API.
const script = registerScript({ name: "AntiVulcanLimit", version: "1.0.0", authors: ["IgniteTNT"] }); var sneakCooldown = 200; // Cooldown in milliseconds script.registerModule({ name: "VulcanLimit", category: "Misc", // Movement, Combat, Renderr, ... description: "Bypass Vulcan's Limit Check When Scaffolding" }, (mod) => { mod.on("enable", () => { Client.displayChatMessage("§aEnabled AntiVulcanLimit :)"); mc.gameSettings.keyBindSneak.pressed = true; setTimeout(function() { mc.gameSettings.keyBindSneak.pressed = false; }, sneakCooldown); }); mod.on("disable", () => { Client.displayChatMessage("§aDisabled AntiVulcanLimit :("); }); this.onGround = function(event) { mc.gameSettings.keyBindSneak.pressed = true; setTimeout(function() { mc.gameSettings.keyBindSneak.pressed = false; }, sneakCooldown); } });