
Konoha Scarlet
水影(Liquidbounce)被墙,大陆不使用vpn无法访问,咋解决 -
[API] TypeScript based API for nextgenGitHub Usage ->
- Automatic Completion for Beginners (though still weak up to now)
- Let your scripts look more like Java (not so similar)
Example (OOP style)
import { KScript } from "./base/script" import { BooleanSetting, KModule, TextArraySetting, TextSetting } from "./base/module" import "./extensions/array.extensions" const mod = new KModule("AutoL", "Player", "Auto send a message when target has been dead.", "", [ new BooleanSetting("OnlyPlayer", true), new TextSetting("Prefix", "@[LB]"), new TextArraySetting("Suffix", [ 'string 1', 'string 2', 'string 3', ]) ]) const PlayerEntity = Java.type("net.minecraft.entity.player.PlayerEntity") const debug = false const chat = debug ? Client.displayChatMessage : NetworkUtil.sendChatMessage let target: Entity | undefined = undefined; mod._attack = (event: { enemy: Entity }) => { if (event.enemy instanceof PlayerEntity || !mod.setting('OnlyPlayer')!.value) { target = event.enemy; } } mod._playerTick = () => { if (target?.isDead()) { // method_5477=getName chat(`${mod.setting('Prefix')!.getValue()} ${target.method_5477().getString()} ${mod.setting('Suffix')!.getValue().random()}`) target = undefined; } } new KScript("MyScript", "1.0.0", "KonohaScarlet", mod).init()
Welcome to improve it together!!
[JS]TeleportAura 0.7(By Mumy)(updated)@cookiechinese 这寻路看上去还是用的那个泛滥的Sigma寻路
How Can I Get The Coordinates of A Player?@yletzter
will return a Vec3 (or Vec3d in 1.9+)
You can use.posX
to get the 3 coords
I suggest to read codes of mcp918, it's helpful to code in js -
A Notification Theme like IntelliJ IDEA.@larissa Nice work
Mark scaffold panel@zoom_mod which version? 1.8.9 already has it (Mark)
Problem in Build LB nextGen@commandblock2 Well, now I resolved it by using the git command. now I know the necessity of the sub - repo
Problem in Build LB nextGenCould not determine the dependencies of task ':compileJava'. > Could not resolve all task dependencies for configuration ':compileClasspath'. > Could not resolve project :theme. Required by: project : > No matching configuration of project :theme was found. The consumer was configured to find an API of a library compatible with Java 17, preferably in the form of class files, preferably optimized for standard JVMs, and its dependencies declared externally, as well as attribute 'org.jetbrains.kotlin.platform.type' with value 'jvm' but: - None of the consumable configurations have attributes. * Try: > Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. > Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. > Run with --scan to get full insights.
Code Highlight is OK
Launch config is OKI wanna know how to resolve this problem.
I download the nextGen as ZIP file and extracted it. (= skip the first step)
Then I used PowerShell and complete step 2~4 -
BridgeAssist 1.4@czechhek Alright. When I test the AutoSneak of your code, my game sends out no block-placed sound effect. Why did that happen?
BridgeAssist 1.4Suggestion:
Change the auto sneak feature: replace functiononPacket
withmc.gameSettings.keyBindSneak.pressed = sneakonplace.get() && BlockUtils.getBlock(new BlockPos(mc.thePlayer.getPositionVector()).down()) == Blocks.air;
BridgeAssist 1.4Well, in the video it looks like keepRotation + safeWalk + airSafe + autoClicker.
Can it bypasses the anticheat detection? It may be used in safe hack -
[Tutorial]How to debug your scripts in IntelliJ IDEA@as丶one I suggest you can write a new post(tutorial) to solve our GRADLE BUILD problems( to Chinese users)
关于Nashorn JS引擎中Java的部分用法@as丶one said in 关于Nashorn JS引擎中Java的部分用法:
Nashorn JS 里是不是所有的结尾Object({})型参数都能写到括号外面? function呢 -
[SCRIPT]Item Name Tags (v1.2)To figure out how many items have been generated seems to be impossible when you are playing bedwars. (especially in Hypixel) So I made this script to help users.
//Require Core.libCode
script = registerScript({ name: "ItemTags", authors: ["MyScarlet"], version: "1.2" }); script.import("Core.lib"); script.import("utils/RenderUtils.js"); module = { name: "ItemTags", category: "Render", description: "Show NameTag for EntityItem.", onRender3D: function () { var itemRendered = []; for each (var entity in mc.theWorld.loadedEntityList) { if (!(entity instanceof EntityItem) || ~itemRendered.indexOf(entity)) continue; var itemAmount = new java.util.HashMap(); for each (var entityItem in mc.theWorld.getEntitiesWithinAABB(EntityItem.class, new AxisAlignedBB(entity.posX, entity.posY, entity.posZ, entity.posX, entity.posY, entity.posZ).expand(1, 1, 1))) { if (~itemRendered.indexOf(entityItem)) continue; var stack = entityItem.getEntityItem(); itemAmount[stack.getDisplayName()] += stack.stackSize; itemRendered.push(entityItem); } var font = mc.fontRendererObj; drawFaceToPlayer([entity.posX, entity.posY + 0.5, entity.posZ], function () { for (var itemName in itemAmount) { var renderTag = itemName + " * " + itemAmount[itemName]; var width = font.getStringWidth(renderTag); Gui.drawRect(-width * 0.5 - 2, -font.FONT_HEIGHT - 1, width * 0.5 + 2, 0, 0x7F000000); font.drawString(renderTag, -width / 2, -font.FONT_HEIGHT, 0xFFFFFF); GlStateManager.translate(0, -font.FONT_HEIGHT - 1, 0); } }); } } };
[SCRIPT]Projectile ESP v3.2, a better solution to replace Projectiles@joeller-pro create new file -> rename -> edit -> copy raw from github -> ctrl+s -> run lb
[SCRIPT]Projectile ESP v3.2, a better solution to replace ProjectilesFEATURES
- Draw the route of arrows, fireballs, ender pearls, eggs, snowballs, splash potions, and fish hooks.
- Using different colors for different entities, such as RED for enemy's arrows, azure for ender pearls, pink for fish hooks, etc.
- Highlight the entity or block which will be hit, using ESP box.
- Not only the item you held, but also all the above in the sky.
- It can fully replace LB module "Projectiles"
Following screenshots were uploaded with the initial version of this script
If you have some advice about this script, plz commit below.
Welcome to download other scripts from my GITHUB.It took me almost a whole day to update from version 2.0 to 3.2, BTW from development to testing I did it all by myself, so it's likely that it still has some bugs which I havn't discovered.
Greater PointerESP Module(v2)THANKS TO @AquaVit
Note: There are some bugs in this script, I'll fix them in next update 2021/12/23
I've been editing this small script since yesterday. I've listened some functional and reasonable requests about improving this script from my friend @R4kkra and added some of my own designs.Specific updates & improvements:
- Added Scale value to control the size of arrows, Radius value to control the size of the circle
- Added Position values to change the posistion of arrows
literally useless - Added 2 color modes: "Team" and "Distance". "Team" mode will draw arrows with Team's color (similiar to ESP), and "Distance" mode will draw with color which follows a linear mapping about distance.
hue(dis) = if (dis < 8) 0/*red*/ else if (dis >= 48) 240/*blue*/ else 40 * (dis - 8)
- Make "Solid" more like "Solid" someone may help me about that? I actually know little about LWJGL
- Deleted duplicated and meaningless codes, Better readability
Pictures in Game
in Hypixel BW Lobby lime -> VIP(+) azure -> MVP(+)DOWNLOAD:
GitHub Download
My GitHub
foreach@plumer-man In my understanding, it's like TPAura's route? (it also sends many C04 packets)