[SCRIPT]Item Name Tags (v1.2)
Konoha Scarletwrote on 12 Feb 2022, 06:29 last edited by Konoha Scarlet 2 Dec 2022, 07:36
To figure out how many items have been generated seems to be impossible when you are playing bedwars. (especially in Hypixel) So I made this script to help users.
//Require Core.libCode
script = registerScript({ name: "ItemTags", authors: ["MyScarlet"], version: "1.2" }); script.import("Core.lib"); script.import("utils/RenderUtils.js"); module = { name: "ItemTags", category: "Render", description: "Show NameTag for EntityItem.", onRender3D: function () { var itemRendered = []; for each (var entity in mc.theWorld.loadedEntityList) { if (!(entity instanceof EntityItem) || ~itemRendered.indexOf(entity)) continue; var itemAmount = new java.util.HashMap(); for each (var entityItem in mc.theWorld.getEntitiesWithinAABB(EntityItem.class, new AxisAlignedBB(entity.posX, entity.posY, entity.posZ, entity.posX, entity.posY, entity.posZ).expand(1, 1, 1))) { if (~itemRendered.indexOf(entityItem)) continue; var stack = entityItem.getEntityItem(); itemAmount[stack.getDisplayName()] += stack.stackSize; itemRendered.push(entityItem); } var font = mc.fontRendererObj; drawFaceToPlayer([entity.posX, entity.posY + 0.5, entity.posZ], function () { for (var itemName in itemAmount) { var renderTag = itemName + " * " + itemAmount[itemName]; var width = font.getStringWidth(renderTag); Gui.drawRect(-width * 0.5 - 2, -font.FONT_HEIGHT - 1, width * 0.5 + 2, 0, 0x7F000000); font.drawString(renderTag, -width / 2, -font.FONT_HEIGHT, 0xFFFFFF); GlStateManager.translate(0, -font.FONT_HEIGHT - 1, 0); } }); } } };
@konoha-scarlet You can enable autoupdating by adding
Core.updateURL = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MukjepScarlet/LiquidBounceScripts/main/scripts/ItemTags.js";
after importing Core
It is looks cool. I want to this functon has been added to liquidbounce