Scaffold how to bypass horizon -
AutoMLGThere is a module name"Cubenofall"in cubecore
Hypixel AutoBlock Helper (Legacy)Hypixel AutoBlock Helper
Description:A script help killaura can autoblock bypass hypixel
-1.0: first releaseHow to use:turn on script and enable autoblock option in killaura(you can use noslow with packet ) Warning!: dont turn on intractutoblock and delayedautoblock(autoban)
var scriptName = "HypixelAutoblockHelper" var scriptVersion = 1.1 var scriptAuthor = "Lolmc" var ccbluex = new ccbluex() var client var KillAura = Java.type("net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.LiquidBounce").moduleManager.getModule(Java.type("net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.features.module.modules.combat.KillAura").class); function ccbluex() { this.getName = function() { return "HypixelAutoblock" } this.getDescription = function() { return "a hypixel autoblock helper for killaura" } this.getCategory = function() { return "Fun" } this.onUpdate = function() { if(KillAura.target != null && !!(heldItem = mc.thePlayer.getHeldItem()) && heldItem.getItem() instanceof Java.type("net.minecraft.item.ItemSword")){ mc.thePlayer.setItemInUse(mc.thePlayer.inventory.getCurrentItem(), 51213) } } this.onDisable = function() { mc.thePlayer.itemInUseCount = 0; } } function onLoad() {} function onEnable() { client = moduleManager.registerModule(ccbluex) } function onDisable() { moduleManager.unregisterModule(client) }
CPS / TPS / PING / FPSliquidbounce already have cps/ping/fps
how to use:
step1:open clickgui
step2:click the pen icon
step 3:create a text and type:%x% - X-Coordinate of the player
%y% - Y-Coordinate of the player
%z% - Z-Coordinate of the player
%fps% - Current FPS
%date% - Today's date
%time% - Current time
%username% - Your current username
%ping% - Your average ping to the server
%clientName% - Name of the client (LiquidBounce)
%clientVersion% - Build number of the client
%clientCreator% - Name of the client's developers (CCBlueX)
%serverIp% - IP of the current server
%cps% - cps
%lcps% - left mouse cps
%rcps% right cps
%mcps% - idk
liquidbounce not have tps lol
copy pste lol -
Translation of the script, from version 1.8.9 to 1.12.2but now no have any document about liquidscript on lb 1.12.2 b2
you can ask @Senk-Ju for help
or you need wait for lb cross version complete -
AutoGapple(re-upload) (Legacy)AutoGapple
Description:Auto eat Gapple when your health too low
Changlog:- 1.0 : first release(no more release old code lol)
- 1.1 : fix script lock the hotbar when regen effect active
fix script sometime block the sword(i think i doesn't fix that)
-1.2:make by commandblock2(but cant unblock when no Gapple)
-1.3:fix unable to block manully when no gapple in inventory(iam too lazy to writing code without Core)
-1.4:update eat slient mode(i learn it from jigsaw src),iam lazy to covert 1.3 to 1.4(someone can do that help me)
//Copyright 2020 commandblock2 distributed under AGPL-3.0-or-later GuiInventory = Java.type("net.minecraft.client.gui.inventory.GuiInventory") Potion = Java.type('net.minecraft.potion.Potion') var originalIndex = null var inventoryIndex = null module = { name: "AutoGapple", description: "Eat gapple when your health is low", author: "commandblock2 && Lolmc", category: "combat", values: [ health = value.createFloat("Health", 10, 1, 20), itemSwitchDelay = value.createInteger("SwitchDelayms", 100, 0, 1000) ], onUpdate: function () { if (mc.thePlayer.getHealth() <= health.get() && !mc.thePlayer.isPotionActive(Potion.regeneration)) { gAppleIndex = InventoryUtils.findItem(36, 45, Items.golden_apple) gAppleIndex = gAppleIndex == -1 ? InventoryUtils.findItem(9, 36, Items.golden_apple) : gAppleIndex if (originalIndex == null) { // wtffffff have to check null because if (originalIndex) doesn't work when it equas to 0 originalIndex = mc.thePlayer.inventory.currentItem } if (gAppleIndex >= 36 && gAppleIndex < 45) { //switch to gapple mc.thePlayer.inventory.currentItem = gAppleIndex - 36 } else if (gAppleIndex >= 9 && gAppleIndex < 36 && !(mc.currentScreen instanceof GuiInventory)) { //switch gapple and 36 (first slot) inventoryIndex = gAppleIndex switchGapple(inventoryIndex) } if(gAppleIndex != -1) { // fix block when no gapple mc.gameSettings.keyBindUseItem.pressed = true } } else { reset() } } } function reset() { if (originalIndex != null || inventoryIndex != null) mc.gameSettings.keyBindUseItem.pressed = false if (originalIndex != null ) { mc.thePlayer.inventory.currentItem = originalIndex; originalIndex = null } if (inventoryIndex != null) { switchGapple(inventoryIndex) inventoryIndex = null } } function switchGapple(index) { //open inventory (I don't care about when you are on horse, implement it yourself) mc.getNetHandler().addToSendQueue(new C16PacketClientStatus(C16PacketClientStatus.EnumState.OPEN_INVENTORY_ACHIEVEMENT)); mc.displayGuiScreen(new GuiInventory(mc.thePlayer)); timeout(itemSwitchDelay.get(), function () { slot = mc.thePlayer.inventoryContainer.getSlot(index) mc.playerController.windowClick(mc.currentScreen.inventorySlots.windowId, slot.slotNumber, 0, 2, mc.thePlayer) mc.thePlayer.closeScreen() }) } script.import("Core.lib")
1.4 code:
//Copyright 2020 commandblock2 distributed under AGPL-3.0-or-later GuiInventory = Java.type("net.minecraft.client.gui.inventory.GuiInventory") Potion = Java.type('net.minecraft.potion.Potion') C09PacketHeldItemChange = Java.type('net.minecraft.network.play.client.C09PacketHeldItemChange') C03PacketPlayer = Java.type('net.minecraft.network.play.client.C03PacketPlayer') C08PacketPlayerBlockPlacement = Java.type('net.minecraft.network.play.client.C08PacketPlayerBlockPlacement') MStimer = Java.type('net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.utils.timer.MSTimer') var tick = 0 var originalIndex = null var inventoryIndex = null module = { name: "AutoGapplev2", description: "Eat gapple when your health is low", author: "Lolmc", category: "Player", values: [ health = value.createFloat("Health", 10, 1, 20), itemSwitchDelay = value.createInteger("Tick", 100, 0, 1000) ], onUpdate: function () { var timer = new MSTimer() //if(!timer.hasTimePassed(itemSwitchDelay.get())) // return; tick++ if (mc.thePlayer.getHealth() > health.get()) { tick = 0 } if (mc.thePlayer.getHealth() <= health.get() && tick == itemSwitchDelay.get()) { gAppleIndex = InventoryUtils.findItem(36, 45, Items.golden_apple) gAppleIndex = gAppleIndex == -1 ? InventoryUtils.findItem(9, 36, Items.golden_apple) : gAppleIndex if(gAppleIndex != -1) { mc.thePlayer.sendQueue.addToSendQueue(new C09PacketHeldItemChange(gAppleIndex - 36)); mc.thePlayer.sendQueue.addToSendQueue(new C08PacketPlayerBlockPlacement(mc.thePlayer.inventory.mainInventory[gAppleIndex - 36])); for (var i = 0; i < 32; i++) { mc.thePlayer.sendQueue.addToSendQueue(new C03PacketPlayer()); } //mc.playerController.onStoppedUsingItem(mc.thePlayer); mc.thePlayer.stopUsingItem(); mc.thePlayer.sendQueue.addToSendQueue(new C09PacketHeldItemChange(mc.thePlayer.inventory.currentItem)); tick = 0 } } else if (gAppleIndex >= 9 && gAppleIndex < 36 && !(mc.currentScreen instanceof GuiInventory)) { //switch gapple and 36 (first slot) inventoryIndex = gAppleIndex switchGapple(inventoryIndex) tick = 0 return; } } } function reset() { if (originalIndex != null || inventoryIndex != null) mc.gameSettings.keyBindUseItem.pressed = false if (originalIndex != null ) { mc.thePlayer.inventory.currentItem = originalIndex; originalIndex = null } if (inventoryIndex != null) { switchGapple(inventoryIndex) inventoryIndex = null } } function switchGapple(index) { //open inventory (I don't care about when you are on horse, implement it yourself) mc.getNetHandler().addToSendQueue(new C16PacketClientStatus(C16PacketClientStatus.EnumState.OPEN_INVENTORY_ACHIEVEMENT)); mc.displayGuiScreen(new GuiInventory(mc.thePlayer)); timeout(itemSwitchDelay.get(), function () { slot = mc.thePlayer.inventoryContainer.getSlot(index) mc.playerController.windowClick(mc.currentScreen.inventorySlots.windowId, slot.slotNumber, 0, 2, mc.thePlayer) mc.thePlayer.closeScreen() }) } script.import("Core.lib")
Core: Download
[EXPOSED] Coccocoalol
the 'lb config' war
too much -
LiquidSense Free by AquaVit ! Free DownloadLiquidsence is bad
[Legeacy] ClickGUI ScriptIdk why but
Its still show hud but not show any module -
InventoryManager 7.2 - Updated again!cool
Description:Help you choose the hotbar have block when use scaffold/tower
-1.0:first releasevar scriptName = "Autofindblock" var scriptAuthor = "Lolmc" var scriptVersion = 1.0 var towerModule = moduleManager.getModule("Tower"); var scaffoldModule = moduleManager.getModule("Scaffold"); var InventoryUtils = Java.type("net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.utils.InventoryUtils"); var blockSlot = -1 var slot = null function Autoblock() { this.getName = function() { return "AutoFindBlock"; }; this.getTag = function() { return "idk"; }; this.getDescription = function() { return "help u find block and pick them"; }; this.getCategory = function() { return "World"; }; this.onUpdate = function() { blockSlot = InventoryUtils.findAutoBlockBlock(); if(slot == null) { // by commandblock2 slot = mc.thePlayer.inventory.currentItem } if(blockSlot != -1) { if(scaffoldModule.getState() || towerModule.getState()) { mc.thePlayer.inventory.currentItem = blockSlot - 36 } else { if(slot != null) { mc.thePlayer.inventory.currentItem = slot slot = null } } // chat.print(blockSlot); } } } var Autoblock = new Autoblock() var AutoblockClient function onLoad() {} function onEnable() { AutoblockClient = moduleManager.registerModule(Autoblock) } function onDisable() { moduleManager.unregisterModule(AutoblockClient) }
[HUD] SKidmaThis is a skidded hud from sigma
[ { "Type": "Armor", "X": -17.0, "Y": 58.0, "Scale": 1.0, "HorizontalFacing": "Middle", "VerticalFacing": "Down", "Alignment": "Horizontal" }, { "Type": "Text", "X": 3.0, "Y": 2.0, "Scale": 1.6999993, "HorizontalFacing": "Left", "VerticalFacing": "Up", "DisplayText": "Sigma", "Red": 255, "Green": 255, "Blue": 255, "Rainbow": false, "Shadow": false, "Font": { "fontName": "Roboto Light", "fontSize": 60 } }, { "Type": "Text", "X": 8.0, "Y": 40.0, "Scale": 0.7499999, "HorizontalFacing": "Left", "VerticalFacing": "Up", "DisplayText": "Jello", "Red": 255, "Green": 255, "Blue": 255, "Rainbow": false, "Shadow": false, "Font": { "fontName": "Roboto Light", "fontSize": 60 } }, { "Type": "Scoreboard", "X": 577.0, "Y": -99.0, "Scale": 0.6999999, "HorizontalFacing": "Right", "VerticalFacing": "Middle", "Text-R": 255, "Text-G": 255, "Text-B": 255, "Background-R": 0, "Background-G": 0, "Background-B": 0, "Background-Alpha": 95, "Rect": false, "Rect-Color": "Custom", "Rect-R": 0, "Rect-G": 111, "Rect-B": 255, "Rect-Alpha": 255, "Shadow": false, "Font": { "fontName": "Minecraft Font", "fontSize": -1 } }, { "Type": "Arraylist", "X": -557.63623046875, "Y": 2.000030517578125, "Scale": 0.54999983, "HorizontalFacing": "Right", "VerticalFacing": "Up", "Text-Color": "Custom", "Text-R": 255, "Text-G": 255, "Text-B": 255, "Rect-Color": "Rainbow", "Rect-R": 255, "Rect-G": 255, "Rect-B": 255, "Rect-Alpha": 255, "Random-Saturation": 0.9, "Random-Brightness": 1.0, "Tags": false, "ShadowText": true, "Background-Color": "Custom", "Background-R": 0, "Background-G": 0, "Background-B": 0, "Background-Alpha": 0, "Rect": "None", "UpperCase": false, "Space": 4.831461, "TextHeight": 12.741572, "TextY": 0.0, "TagsArrayColor": false, "Font": { "fontName": "Roboto Light", "fontSize": 60 } }, { "Type": "Text", "X": 198.45455932617188, "Y": 311.36363220214844, "Scale": 1.0999999, "HorizontalFacing": "Left", "VerticalFacing": "Up", "DisplayText": "FPS:%fps%", "Red": 255, "Green": 255, "Blue": 255, "Rainbow": false, "Shadow": true, "Font": { "fontName": "Roboto Medium", "fontSize": 35 } } ]
if you want real, install this https://forums.ccbluex.net/topic/316/script-askeystorkes
Have fun