@kawaiinekololis I understand, yet I do need some community forum feedback before I submit the pull request, in case there are some updates or bugs present in the config

Vulcan 1.9+ -
Vulcan 1.9+[For Liquidbounce Nextgen]
Config for Vulcan servers that have a protocol version of 1.9 or above.
The servers that are great to cheat on that are 1.9+ are:
moxmc.com (They do kick for certain combat checks so dont toggle too often there)
skyhaste.net (Currently has no anticheat but used Vulcan the past entirety of their Seasons)Killaura
Elytrafly (if the server is an elytra box theme)
AutoShield (Basically AutoBlock):
Flight:(2.7.7 still hasnt been patched
AntiKB(Original Vulcan Velocity is AirStrafe mode but I wouldnt use it Just to be Safe)
FastBreak/Speed Mine (Vanilla)Enjoy!
Download -
ViaForgecan you update ViaForge on Legacy, i know nextgen exists, i really dont care, the latest version is on 1.20.3 and even then it is unstable, can you please implement the latest version of viaforge so i can hack on cubecraft and on 1.20+ servers using legacy.
Criticals DelayIm trying to make a config for hypixel and I am adding criticals to it, but I am unsure what the Delay and Hurttime settings mean
Launcher ErrorWhenever I Download a new version from the launcher, i cllick continue and it doesnt give me the download link
Staff Detector Issue Log@EclipsesDev
It works now thanks -
Staff Detector Issue LogI know this module was just added, it works kinda well, but the one problem is whenever i turn on the module, it gives this message, posted above here.
Is it the connection between the file or is it another issue? -
Back Track and Fake Lagwouldnt fakelag be the same as pingspoof, since you are client-sidedly delaying the player's packets being sent to the server
Exporting AltsSo im exporting an alt in a folder so I can play it in LB++ which is a fork of liquidbounce. The fork has the exact same alt manager as Liquidbounce as well., And when I clicked save, it crashed with the error code -1. Is there anything I need to do in order to export this alt, or is it an API issue with the launcher?
AntiBanI want an antiban for blocksMC, i know it is on LB++ but it has been outdated and doesnt work, so i want a script to help detect staff
Does anyone have a good config for BlocksMC on B83@Gabriel who is that?
Does anyone have a good config for BlocksMC on B83@Gabriel thats fine i have viaforge
Does anyone have a good config for BlocksMC on B83I want a config for the newest version of the legacy (1.8.9) Liquidbounce client that would bypass BlocksMC, i already have a bypassing scaffold setting, but i need killaura, invcleaner, cheststealer, and speed settings, this would be for skywars.