nice information ver useful
A SelfInfo as Akrien Client1 Dec 2022, 09:18 -
LiquidBounce b73 lagging after a while1 Dec 2022, 09:15The next type of lag is server lag. This is described in Minecraft as TPS. TPS stands for Ticks Per Second. TPS is otherwise known as game ticks and is a maximum of 20. 20 TPS is hardwired into Minecraft as the universal speed. That is to say, the smallest amount of time possible that is distinguishable from the game's perspective. Each “tick” causes the game to recalculate directions of mobs, as well as other things such as growing crops adjusting the direction of mobs etc. Just to get an idea of how long it is, each redstone tick is equivalent to 2 game ticks. This is incidentally also the reason redstone “half” ticks exist, being 1 game tick. Remember that TPS and FPS are different. TPS, on the server, is controlled by the speed and capabilities of the server. FPS is based on the player's computer.