when i try to turn autoblock under killaura on it instantly disables it. i dont know y tf it happens plz someone help me
im using multiple scripts ( like 20 ) so maybe its bc of that but idk rly
hope someone helps me !
@just-a-random-minecrafter Try using it without scripts then
exit scammedreplied to Just a Random Minecrafter on 31 Mar 2021, 13:29 last edited by exit scammed
@just-a-random-minecrafter maybe cuz you are turning on the killaurapatch script of smth like that
@asutoboki lmfaoooo tysm (im dumb)
@just-a-random-minecrafter KillAura Patch has smart autoblock so that could have caused it.
@czechhek yes thats wat happened btw love ur scripts