Can Bypass AAC BAC MATRIX... Scffold's config
@wowiesocl You will have to find the solution to these values yourself. If I told you how to fix them, it'd be exactly like my Jartex config.
@wowiesocl oh really
@mems "static pitchoffset": 86.0,
"StaticYawOffSet": 28.02,
"xzRange": 0.35,
"yRange": 0.65,
"MinDiff": 0.1,
These settings are about the mode settings in rotationmode. Once choose one of them, will not apply these values
I'm sorry -
@wowiesocl Try fixing them.
@alien-gurke I'm sorry
I've fixed it. Please try again
I'm sorry that my negligence led to a config error, which I didn't even find out
@Co丶Dynamic thanks for your help -
Already fix
update The settings are fine tuned
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