[REQ] AutoTranslate script and NoKillAuraInHub and NoChestStealer/InventoryCleanerInHub script
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@cancernameu yeah if you take shit on the internet seriously then by all means please be mad lol i rest my case
@cancernameu sorry I reply to a wrong person
so ignore it -
@caex Your actions on the internet influence your actions IRL.
@cancernameu so does that make me a serial killer
i play fps games btw
your response is fundamentally flawed -
ok, not bad bro
A nice alt -
@caex So your point is, a nazi on the internet isn't likely a nazi IRL?
@cancernameu gonna have to /uj on this one since you dont know causation /= correlation
@caex You're misrepresenting my point. I'm not talking about video games, I'm talking about beliefs. Is a nazi on the internet not likely a nazi in real life?
@co丶dynamic thanks b hope you saw the msg
@cancernameu not a misinterpretation
read my previous message -
@caex This has nothing to do with causation. My point is, someone who holds nazi beliefs on the internet also likely holds them in real life. Am I wrong?
@cancernameu likely? Yes.
unlikely? Yes.
there. theres your answer. now please show me your amazing internet justice skills -
@caex "likely" and "unlikely" are mutually exclusive.
@cancernameu correlation /= causation
@caex Wow, you're actually an idiot. I know that correlation is not causation and vice versa, I never said or even implied that there is causation between believing in nazi stuff on the internet and believing nazi stuff in real life, I can't measure that. However, what I do know, and what you have implied with your constant misrepresentation of my point, that there is a correlation between those things.
@cancernameu sorry could you repeat that? maybe repeat a few times. i doubt you get why you're wrong though.
edit: this is getting way off topic so this is my last post--
you assume people are serious on the internet -
@caex Well, if you believe I am wrong about there being a correlation between holding nazi beliefs on the internet and holding those same beliefs in real life, go ahead and argue that.
@cancernameu this was what i was talking about the whole time
now please cope harder -
@caex ...then make an argument?
@cancernameu there is a correlation for a and a correlation for not a, both with virtually same chances
therefore they're both retarded and should not be considered valid correlation as it is completely random