CrackPixel Step
@natalka you wouldn't loose much from getting kicked from a server with like 25 players (?) but as far as I can see you are pretty satisfied from arguing with random people (without arguments may I add)
oh btw, think twice before calling people children when you don't know the current century and 5th grade math
@hahayes 60 players*. The server is fairly new, you can't expect to be hypixel v2, looking forward to new bypasses that DON'T silently flag!
@some-one The anticheat here is not for testing. Same way as (spark) doesn't offer testing, perhaps only when you sign NDA. The same goes for here, we don't want people to cheat, so we want to end cheating as any other server would wish, thus we have AntiVPN + really strong anticheat (I never said it's unbypassable, but I claim it's one of the better anti-cheats here, certainly better than any other in the current market). Theoretically speaking if we would let people test it, it wouldn't be as good because it has extremely accurate debug so when you get banned falsely, we can read it from debugging in 99% of cases and unban you + patch the false thus you might theoretically speaking create some small bypass from debugging and that's why I'm not even able to show you alert names, logs or anything related regardless of you want them. Practically speaking, I already said to all of you that you can try to bypass, post the config here if you can, but most people here are just making up stupid arguments and stupid things that don't make any sense for example that yo ucan bypass fly or reach 4.5 and claiming that it's impossible to detect reach that low, I guess people here never heard about transactions?