Matrix Fly
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@nexxydevv not again
@nexxydevv Thank you! Works
possibly ratted
- accesses some telegram shit
- opens new connection
- what it this -> "http://che' + 'ckip.amazo'"
- Why would script know yours username?
- System.getProperty('os.version')
- Sends your current server ip to some host
- Why would script access your OS' architecture?
Thats all that i got from this script.
@lolxdddd You suck at acting, seriously. You cannot convince someone to download this piece of shit with these statements. And even if you did know how to, looking at the script would be another way of not buying what you say.
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@leejames2305 and some other stuff that I made myself (a simple script that removes [] and other shitty stuff like as.xHSD) + Notepad++
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@nexxydevv i smell system in that ratty code
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@leejames2305 yep, its it, then just use notepad++ and remove unused code
okay if you're trying to get my info then yw i just ran the script
anyways worst attempt at doing this ive seen yet'atleast make it so i can deobfuscate the whole thing with a dragndrop
User name : Skid
Log date : May 22, 2021 16:14:56 Europe/Prague
IP Address :
OS Architecture : amd64
OS version : 10.0
OS name : Windows 10
Minecraft name : getskuddedufuk
Online server :
Server position : -1721, 67, -38