Play LiquidBounce on 1.16.5
I download the last version, but when I try to play Minecraft(with 1.16.5), it occurred that "Could not require mod: LB requires {minecraft @ [1.17.x]}"
@alohahenry And how to play LB with 1.16.5. Should I download older version?(I'm not good at English, so may I have some grammar problems)
exception in initializer error: null(i try the version of 1.16, and this is a new problem
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@alohahenry LiquidBounce Nextgen requires you to load Minecraft
. It also requires Fabric Kotlin and Fabric Loader. Here's the link to the Fabric Loader website: And here is the link to Fabric Kotlin: -
@leejames2305 @mems I mean I want to use LiquidBounce on 1.16.5, but the launcher prompts me to use 1.17
@mems @Leejames2305 And when I find the version of 1.16, I find another error🤯
@alohahenry LiquidBounce requires 1.17.1. You can't load it under 1.17.1 versions.
@mems thanks
@alohahenry You can use viafabric
@mems but I find the version of 1.16.5
You are on 1.16.5 old liquid bounce?
@alohahenry 1.16.5 is also there so u can join 1.17 servers
@plumer-man thanks, I'm trying
@plumer-man I using macOS(I don't know if it will affect
@alohahenry use 1.17
Use 1.17 with via version