Verus Bypass Script
/ac vanilla
@minecraft333 There is a constant 7.2 bps verus script speed also goes up if you have the speed effect
There is already a verus longjump script with a unsafe and safe damage mode
and there is already a collide fly script
@plumer-man Where?
VerusAirWalk.js basic AirWalks that dont use collide (AxisAlignedBB) will flag.
VerusDisabler.js looks obfuscated and prob dosen't even work.
VerusDmgFly.js prob the only decent script here.
VerusFly.js looks like another airwalk script
VerusLover.js that old verus disabler was patched long ago.
VerusNoFall this prob isnt collide so it will flag
VerusSpeed.js this flags pretty sure
@phạm-minh-đức-official ok, now show the proof that VerusDisabler.js, veruslover.js actually works and fully disable the anticheat
We all know that your iconic awkward silence when you are asked questions shows who you are.
@notautismatall They dont work verus lover got patched in the middle of 2021 and verus disabler idk but its prob patched as verus got updated recently
@plumer-man Yes, then
Iwe wonder what's point of showing off those scripts @Phạm-Minh-Đức-official? Wait, your name already told everything, no need to explain -
Intent : Something Special about Cedo ~> Chapter 1 : The first week on the job At a stormy night, I have my heart racing after an argument I had with Nefarious. “ DON’T YOU SEE? HOW MUCH I CARED ABOUT YOU?! I PUT YOUR CLIENT ON MY GUILDED, I PUT YOUR CLIENT’S TRAILER ON INTENT’S YOUTUBE CHANNEL, NOBODY, LIKE NOBODY GETS THE SAME TREATMENT?! DON’T YOU SEE THAT I’M FALLING IN LOVE WITH YOU?! “ It all goes silent, I felt like I’m dissapointing the only one true match of my life. It all just happends so fast, I don’t know how could this happend to me. 3 Months before the event happends, I was working on a Project called Fan Client. I worked on a well respected company called Intent Incorporated. My project is funded and accepted right away, I don’t know if I’m really that serious in the interview, I give in and give out some jokes and didn’t expect to be accepted, It’s weird indeed. “ Ahhh, my new employee, Cedo! What do you need? “ Nefarious greets me. I was trying to ask for a co-worker. “ May I have you finest man to help my project? “ I said, “ For sure, please give me 3 days. “ Nefarious answered quickly. I was surprised, because everyone said that it’s really hard to work with Nefarious, but I got throught easily. Probably this is a one time thing, I said to myself and I continue my project with a co-worker that Nefarious gave me. And finally.. Fan Client v1 is finished, I published it and I’m really excited to see people using it, but it seems that this client do not have any sorts of publicity, I know Intent have a big youtube channel but I only see Zeroday videos and nothing else, Trying wont hurt I guess “ Umm, boss.. May I publish a client trailer on your Channel? “ I asked him and “ Well, why not? Record a video and I’ll commision somebody to edit the video. “ Nefarious answered easily. ~> Chapter 2 : Where are we going Nefarious made me confused, she really - really put her trust in my project. Is Fan Client really good? I asked myself, I gave him a copy of fan client and “ Please try it and be honest with me. “ I said to her. She played with Fan Client, and it seems that she knows what is he doing, I see that she don’t really use fly. She’s like ‘ hey, look at this shit, I’m gonna win every game with every client, I know my shits ‘ that’s what I feel when looking at his gameplay, he beated an asstolfo user easily. “There you go, it’s pretty good actually, I’d say you still need improvements for the fly and scaffold.” She complimented and suggested things for my client, Nefarious is just weirdly attractive to me. While I looked at her gameplay using Fan, she jiggles alot like her milkers are shaking left and right, really wanted to grab it but yeah, she funded my project. I probably wont do such a thing to my own boss, well alright I need to work on Fan v3. After 4 hours of working, a text came in. “ Hey, can you pick me up later after work? This night is special, and I want to show you something <3 “ Nefarious texted me, althought my table is nearby her office, she proceeded to text me. Where are we going? Is she going to tell me the truth that probably I am fired and she just wanted to be nice about it and atleast go to a restaurant to eat before the bad news? I’m feeling worried, I’m not ready for this. ~> Chapter 3 : The moon’s shining bright So yeah it’s 10:00 AM, I need to pack my stuff and- “ Umm, hey.. “ Nefarious just came to my desk with a really nice dress and “ We’re going right? “ She shyly asked. I answered, “ Well ofcourse, I would like to pack my stuff before we go. “ after that she proceeded to help me pack my stuffs, damn.. I want to have a girlfriend like her, but yeah. I’m just too unrealistic, she’s perfect and I’ll never get her. Probably, Flashy or Error could have her, I’m pretty sure. I packed my stuff and get into my car, she told me to go to a place called Gato Hills. I heard that, the place is really good, I was going to travel there with my ex, Kant. But unfortunately, he cheated on me and dated verble. After we arrived and I parked my car, I got out and she just grab my hand and sprint to the other side of the hill, “ Where are we going?! “ I asked while we sprinting, she didn’t even answer me. Well, lets just see where we'll go. WOAH! The mountains, the forest and the city are beautiful, I never knew that this place existed. The moon is shining bright and “ Someday, that Moon will be cracked. By me, and you are the only one that knows it ;) “ she winked at me, I sat on the ground with Nefarious while looking at the beautiful view, the owls, the grasshoppers are singing. It’s all perfect, she fell asleep on my shoulders, is she purposefully sit beside me and sleep on my shoulders? What does it mean? Is she giving me signs, probably not. We drive for 2 whole hours and probably she’s really tired, I’ll book an airbnb. ~> Chapter 4 : Sleepless night I lift her, and brought her to the car and she looks really cute when she sleeps. I said to myself “ Thanks, Nef, Thanks for this wonderful experience. “ I arrived on the airbnb I ordered for and woke her up, “ Hey, wake up. “ and she instantly wakes up. She looks tired as fuck. I lead her to her room and I straight up go to the shower. As usual, brush my teeth, take the shampoo and the body lotion. And- the door’s open and I looked at her and “ WAIT DONT OPEN THE DOOR, I’M STILL TAKING A BATH. “ Welp too late I guess, she now know that I have a micro penis problem. She just closed the door, and I could hear her laughing so hard, Fuck Sake. Welp, there’s no chance for me to bang her from now on I guess. I finished my shower and just go straight to my bedroom, I open up my laptop and start working again, and suddenly- what the fuck, the wifi’s shit. I saw the weather news and it says that there will be raining for 2 whole days. I turned on my mobile data and keep working. 2 hours passed, *knock* *knock* “ Umm hey, can I sleep in you room? “ Nefarious ask, what? Is this really happening? she sleeping on my room and shits started to go wrong? Fuck this shit, “ Alright come in, I’ll go sleep in your room I guess. “ I answered, “ WAIT, please stay, the storms are scary. “ Nefarious answered with some bullshits, I know where this is going I guess but I know she’s trying to tease me into touching her, so he had a reason to fire me, not going to happend. Why didn’t she just fire me, she’s the boss. ~> Chapter 5 : 2 Days of rains Stucked at the airbnb, forced to order for 3 more nights. Nefarious, ordered her co-worker to manage the company for 3 days. As you know I have a client to develop, so I got back to work and develop Fan V2 Client, I code for hours and what Nefarious doing? I don’t know- I don’t give a fuck, I developed better fly and faster scaffold I’m sure that I’m going to fuck up Watch Dog with this client. Nefarious came in for abit to check in on me My co-worker dm’d me and said “ Yo! I got Autumn src, you should use it! “ Well, why not I guess. Who will deobfuscate the client, so I use Autumn Src as the base for the fly, scaffold and other shits. And publish the new update, and hype as usual and people loves my Fan V2. Update, probably the fastest fly ever, don’t look on it, trust me. I also make the client really2 hard to get ban eventhought you’re really blatant, you fly from the otherside of the map to another. And yeah I celebrate it by treating myself with food and drinks by Cuber, idk if the goods going to be wet but I think the man’s know what they’re doing, I order Fortka and Spicy hot buffalo wings. I ordered extra because you know, I got a guest to serve and she’s my boss too, got to show proffesionalism. 40 minutes passed, * DING * finally my food arrived, I pick up my food and shouted “ FOODS ARE HERE! “ she came down and I’m right she do love some buffalo wings. ~> Chapter 6 : Unconscious We ate the buffalo wings and man it’s really hot, Nefarious really enjoyed it. I bring out Fortka and instantly “ Fortka? “ She noticed and she reach her hand to the Fortka but I take it away so she wont grab it “ Give meeeeeeee… I want it.. “ She begs for it, “ Fine but I want some too alright? “ I give up, and I take the shot glass and serve it and sheesh that Fortka was really strong, the taste of it. But, after 12 shots of Fortka, I stopped, but Nefarious didn’t stop, instead she just take it all “ What a greedy bitch. “ I said to myself. I go out and wash my face also taking 2 glass of water, and dude she’s really - really drunk, I offered her a glass of water. And she just smash the glass, welp I guess, I should’ve expected that and when she opened her eyes. I can tell she’s a drunk, she usually drinks “ CedoOoOoOo….. Can youUuUuUu pick my purse? “ she told me to pick up her purse, why not ig, I searched all over the airbnb and I didn’t find anything, ah fuck, for the love of verble, it’s not in the car. So yeah, I go to the car and yep it is, for verble sake. Why did she left her purse in the car? I’m soaking wet cuz of that bitch, so I changed my outfit and give the purse to her and “ CedOoOoOoooo… I want to give you thisssSsssSS.. “ She pulled out a condom, ummm what? Why did she put a condom inside her purse, yeah... No, I'm not doing any of this bullshit right now, she's hella drunk so nope, not doing it. ~> Chapter 7 : Drunken Goddess Nef has been drunk for a while rn, so I just move to the other room since I don't want to get into some troubling shenanigans. I pick up my laptop, I pick up my clothes and other stuffs, and threw away the condom she gave me since I have 0 uses for that shit. I put a glass of water in Nef's room so that she could just drink and maybe not be drunk? Idk how drinking works too be honest, and same with drugs, you get high and it all goes blank for me, some makes you feel like you're flying, some makes you feel you're in a whole other dimension. So I locked the doors and open the windows a little bit to let some air inside, this is 1 weird thing with me, I'd rather a cold rain air rather than the air conditioner, which is much colder. It's something with me feeling nature from the inside, I light up the fireplace so it's somewhat warm, wait... why nef's quite, she was banging shits and throwing stuffs and I just opened the door and Nef's there, she just came in and pushed me into the bed and she sleeps. She hugs me like a teddy bear I gave to Kant, my Ex. Nef snuggles me and one thing that I'm thinking about right now is the boobs, damn bro, it's soft as fuck, I'll go crazy if she does this for- She rotates me and now she's suffocating me with her soft boobs, I can't take it, I really want it, I can't hold it back any longer, I touched her tits that is softer than marshmallow, no, even softer than that. I wonder if she's completely concious or she is really that drunk, I hope this will never end. ~> Chapter 8 : Rainy Day Nef left my room, probably she was concious and I hope she doesn't noticed me playing with her tits, so I take a shower and actually lock the door, I got the hot tub loaded with hot water and- *knock* *knock* " Cedo, may I get in? " well I just said I'm taking a shower, like any other peoples. Nefarious answered " No, it's alright I want to get into the hot tub too, it's quite called outside. " For Verble Sake, ok you know what fine. I opened the door and she came into the tub, I mean the hot tub is good fro 4 peoples but probably you go with your 'bros'. Nefarious said " How's your day, cedo, last night was kinda wild. " well shit, I think she noticed " Yeah, you drink alot, you should try drinking less.. " yeah I'm going on the pussy mode right now since I will act that she's so drunk, she do shits that she wont normally do, " Well, it was a fun night, a sleepless night for me. " Nef said, sleepless night? Is she concious while you know.. The boobie shenanigans thing? Is this a sign? Am I about to be fired? If so, I will just tell her right now. "Nefarious.. I have something to tell you " I confronted her, " What's that? " she seems to be interested, " I wanted to confess my love to you, you brought me to the beautiful views of the mountain and you are extremely nice to me, I really wanted to ask this.. Would you be my girlfriend? ", She seems shy and suprised in the same time, she looks cute when she's shy, " yes- " she answers me and ran away to her room immediately after saying yes, I think I need time to process what's happening. ~> Chapter 9 : Unforgivable Me, I just don't believe it. I came into Nef's room, I knocked the door and I just asked her " You're joking right? " she just closed the door and locked it, wait what? Is she upset? " WHY WOULD YOU THINK THIS IS A JOKE?! " I heard her scream, I just break in and start an argument " Well maybe if you're straight forward and to the point, I'll ask no questions. " I just explain wthat leaving signs are kinda stupid, " WELL YOU'RE A MAN AND MAN DO THE TALK AND I DO THE WALK " she screamed at me. She opened the door and slapped me, and I don't know why but I feel anger burning through my veins, me and Nefarious started to do the big talk, an argument, I'd say. And here we are “ DON’T YOU SEE? HOW MUCH I CARED ABOUT YOU?! I PUT YOUR CLIENT ON MY GUILDED, I PUT YOUR CLIENT’S TRAILER ON INTENT’S YOUTUBE CHANNEL, NOBODY, LIKE NOBODY GETS THE SAME TREATMENT?! DON’T YOU SEE THAT I’M FALLING IN LOVE WITH YOU?! " Nefarious Screamed at me while hitting me, I went silent and come to the realization that I fucked up. And I also felt relief after hearing this " YOU ABSOLUTE IDIO- " Nef screamed but I stopped her and hug her, her face is suddenly red. She didn't resist but instead, she hugs me back " I'm sorry, for being too much of an idiot and a fool for not seeing through your feelings much earlier. " I calmed her down, I should've realized, I should've just go in and give her all my love. ~> Chapter 10 : Forgiving Pleasure I slowly let her go and pick up the condom she gave me, and she grab the condom from my hand and rip it apart " I want it raw. " Nefarious said while looking seductive at me. I just rip my pants off, and for the first time, my dick erects, I haven't had an erection since I dated Kant, I spread Nef's Legs and " Can I? " I need to reassure it, " Yes, put it in.. I can't wait any longer.. " She reassured me, I put it in and she holds back from moaning, her erotic face.. It's cute, her body is perfect, I just start slow and gentle. Her voice, is soft and cute, her pussy is squeezing my dick and I just can't, I just go fast and came faster than the speed of fan v3's damage fly, but I will not stop there, I pull out my dick and put it inside Nef's ass hole " No.. You can't, it's too big- Aha ahhhh " She tried to stop me, I just went in and do it, I don't do the tip, I do the whole thing. Nefarious moaned " Yo- you- u- ar- are- re- aching m- my limit! ", I can't stop I just came inside her a couple times, after 2 hours, me and Nef sleeps " Cedo, this is the happiest day of my life, I love you <3 " Ten years after that event, I proposed to Nefarious to marry me, she accepted it, I haven't been happier since that day I helped Nefarious with Managing Intent and rebranded Fan Client after a certain tragedy that I wont disclose. A proud father of 2 daughters, although restricted life I have right now, since I'm taking care of my family, I'm finally happy, I've finally reached a goal that I've been working on for years since Kant cheated on me. Me, Cedo, is finally at peace. ~ ~ ~ The End? Probably I guess, ~ ~ ~ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ > Informations < Author : Duits#4515 Major Charaters : nefarious and cedo Minor Characters : Unnamed Dev, Flashy and Error [which is just mentioned] Dedicated to : Small QnA Q : Why did you make this? A : idk, honestly I was bored and also I want a possibility of getting a client off intent LOL, prob zeroday with that hentai explorer Q : Is this your first? A : no, flush fan fic was my first, here is the link > [btw that's how I got flush client, actually] Q : How long have you been working on this fan fiction? A : actually I've been working on it for months since I lost the file and some chapters are deleted and I rewrite some parts and also coming up with this is pretty hard Q : Will there be any sequel? A : Cedo's life after marrying Nefarious? Seems to be interesting, but if you give me Zeroday, you'll increase a chance of me making that ig Q : Are you ok? A : No, I need intensive help and I need Zeroday so, buy it for me :trol: Q : Anyone inspired you? A : A certain hentai that I forgot the name of, my gf and my old Fan Fictions, she did erotic arts [believe it or not I have a gf] Check out my channel, If you want to :
@plumer-man ...
A Former Userreplied to Plumer Man on 25 Jan 2022, 13:52 last edited by A Former User
@plumer-man @Phạm-Minh-Đức-official atm there is no public working verus movement disabler script
This post is deleted!
@fartcheese there is a private one rn
@plumer-man why 7.2 when you can go 8 BPS without flagging
@valuedvalue maybe its actually 6.9 BPS fly
@lol_-i_know_that_you_see_this FDPClient 1 BPS Hypixel moment
@lol_-i_know_that_you_see_this said in Verus Bypass Script:
what? you meant "in-built"?
also i had 3 reps on my old account
i need em again, so feel free to give
@ali-ccfakex-0 said in Verus Bypass Script:
also i had 3 reps on my old account i need em again, so feel free to give
also like the hypixel flys on LB are patched...