Credits : Marco for LiquidBounce's NCPHop that I took inspiration from
var scriptName = "CleanBHop"; var scriptVersion = 1.0; var scriptAuthor = "yorik100"; var Potion = Java.type('net.minecraft.potion.Potion'); var sprintModule = moduleManager.getModule("Sprint"); var S12PacketEntityVelocity = Java.type(''); var S27PacketExplosion = Java.type(''); var S08PacketPlayerPosLook = Java.type(""); // Converts from degrees to radians. Math.radians = function(degrees) { return degrees * Math.PI / 180; }; // Converts from radians to degrees. Math.degrees = function(radians) { return radians * 180 / Math.PI; }; function getSpeedPotion() { return (mc.thePlayer.isPotionActive(Potion.moveSpeed) ? mc.thePlayer.getActivePotionEffect(Potion.moveSpeed).getAmplifier() + 1 : 0) } function getMoveYaw() { var moveYaw = mc.thePlayer.rotationYaw; if (mc.thePlayer.moveForward != 0 && mc.thePlayer.moveStrafing == 0) { moveYaw += mc.thePlayer.moveForward > 0 ? 0 : 180; } else if (mc.thePlayer.moveForward != 0 && mc.thePlayer.moveStrafing != 0) { if (mc.thePlayer.moveForward > 0) moveYaw += mc.thePlayer.moveStrafing > 0 ? -45 : 45; else moveYaw -= mc.thePlayer.moveStrafing > 0 ? -45 : 45; moveYaw += mc.thePlayer.moveForward > 0 ? 0 : 180; } else if (mc.thePlayer.moveStrafing != 0 && mc.thePlayer.moveForward == 0) { moveYaw += mc.thePlayer.moveStrafing > 0 ? -90 : 90; } return moveYaw; } function setMoveSpeed(speed) { var yaw = getMoveYaw(); if (mc.thePlayer.moveForward != 0 || mc.thePlayer.moveStrafing != 0) { mc.thePlayer.motionX = -Math.sin(Math.radians(yaw)) * speed; mc.thePlayer.motionZ = Math.cos(Math.radians(yaw)) * speed; } } function getSpeed(entity) { if (entity == null || entity == undefined) entity = mc.thePlayer; return Math.sqrt(entity.motionX * entity.motionX + entity.motionZ * entity.motionZ); } var cleanBHop = new CleanBHop(); var client; function CleanBHop() { var FastFall = value.createBoolean("FastFall", true); var SmallJump = value.createBoolean("SmallJump", false); var Timer = value.createBoolean("Timer", false); var DisableOnFlag = value.createBoolean("DisableOnFlag", false); this.getName = function() { return "NCPBhop"; }; this.getDescription = function() { return "Bhop"; }; this.getCategory = function() { return "Movement"; }; this.onEnable = function() { cancelJump = true; Timering = false; stop = false; SprintState = sprintModule.getState(); OmniSprint = sprintModule.getValue("AllDirections").get(); BlindSprint = sprintModule.getValue("Blindness").get(); FoodSprint = sprintModule.getValue("Food").get(); ServerSprint = sprintModule.getValue("CheckServerSide").get(); }; this.addValues = function(values) { values.add(Timer); values.add(SmallJump); values.add(FastFall); values.add(DisableOnFlag); }; this.onJump = function(event) { if (cancelJump && (mc.thePlayer.movementInput.moveForward || mc.thePlayer.movementInput.moveStrafe)) event.cancelEvent() } this.onStrafe = function(event) { sprintModule.setState(true); sprintModule.getValue("AllDirections").set(true); sprintModule.getValue("Blindness").set(false); sprintModule.getValue("Food").set(false); sprintModule.getValue("CheckServerSide").set(false); if (Timer.get()) { Timering = true; mc.timer.timerSpeed = 1.0866; } else if (Timering) { Timering = false; mc.timer.timerSpeed = 1; } if ((!mc.thePlayer.movementInput.moveForward && !mc.thePlayer.movementInput.moveStrafe) || mc.thePlayer.isCollidedHorizontally || mc.thePlayer.isInWater() || mc.thePlayer.isInLava() || mc.thePlayer.isOnLadder() || mc.thePlayer.isInWeb || mc.thePlayer.ridingEntity != null || mc.thePlayer.isOnLadder() || mc.thePlayer.fallDistance > 5) stop = true; mc.thePlayer.speedInAir = (stop ? (0.02 * (1 + getSpeedPotion() * (0.16 + getSpeedPotion() * 0.01))) : (0.022151 * (1 + getSpeedPotion() * (0.16 + getSpeedPotion() * 0.01)))); if (mc.thePlayer.onGround && (mc.thePlayer.movementInput.moveForward || mc.thePlayer.movementInput.moveStrafe) && !mc.thePlayer.isOnLadder() && !mc.thePlayer.isInWeb && !mc.thePlayer.isInWater() && !mc.thePlayer.isInLava() && mc.thePlayer.ridingEntity == null) { stop = false; cancelJump = false; mc.thePlayer.jump(); if (SmallJump.get()) mc.thePlayer.motionY *= 0.975 cancelJump = true; if (getSpeed() < (0.49 * (1 + getSpeedPotion() * (0.16 + getSpeedPotion() * 0.01)) * ((mc.thePlayer.movementInput.moveForward && mc.thePlayer.movementInput.moveStrafe) ? 0.99 : 1))) setMoveSpeed(0.49 * (1 + getSpeedPotion() * (0.16 + getSpeedPotion() * 0.01)) * ((mc.thePlayer.movementInput.moveForward && mc.thePlayer.movementInput.moveStrafe) ? 0.99 : 1)); } if (FastFall.get()) mc.thePlayer.motionY -= 0.00099999 setMoveSpeed(getSpeed()); }; this.onPacket = function(event) { if (mc.theWorld == null || mc.thePlayer == null) return; var packet = event.getPacket(); if (packet instanceof S08PacketPlayerPosLook) { if (DisableOnFlag.get()) { var autoDisableModule = moduleManager.getModule("NCPBhop"); autoDisableModule.setState(false); } stop = true; } if (packet instanceof S12PacketEntityVelocity) { if (packet.getEntityID() == mc.thePlayer.getEntityId()) { event.cancelEvent() } } if (packet instanceof S27PacketExplosion) { event.cancelEvent() } } this.onDisable = function() { sprintModule.setState(SprintState); sprintModule.getValue("AllDirections").set(OmniSprint); sprintModule.getValue("Blindness").set(BlindSprint); sprintModule.getValue("Food").set(FoodSprint); sprintModule.getValue("CheckServerSide").set(ServerSprint); mc.thePlayer.speedInAir = 0.02; if (Timering) { Timering = false; mc.timer.timerSpeed = 1; } }; } function onLoad() {} function onEnable() { client = moduleManager.registerModule(cleanBHop); } function onDisable() { moduleManager.unregisterModule(client); }
Side note : You can't properly omnisprint by setting sprint to true in ScriptAPI
Side note 2 : Because I don't have the perm to do /effect on, I couldn't test with speed 3 -
bypass hypixel?
Why tf would you use LB utils when you can write them yourself?
Right? -
best ncp bhop thx!11!!