redesky fly bypass (asfly)
hello!! my nameidkwh
todayi reLEASE MY Script redeski fli xDDDDDDDDdddDDDd(for bouce water clien)
you dowload
the script extentacions here redesky fly
thank Read :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDD:)))) rate FIVE STARS hahahahahah :v
how use
: enable modul scripting AsFly and use Normal water cleint HACK :OOOOOOOO hahae thank readtoi yeu sinh ly -
@idk-my-name ok men
@idk-my-name you copied
102495% -
@idk-my-name BaguetteFly is better
@gabe-itch-jar no u
@idk-my-name Please use BaguetteFly or noob.
@gabe-itch-jar im using custom client....
@gabe-itch-jar cool github pog
ew blink fly
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@techman12è kinda late but you should contribute to it
@gabe-itch-jar said in redesky fly bypass (asfly):
@techman12è kinda late but you should contribute to it
I suck at coding, plus I don't know have iq oof