KillAuraPatch 3.0
Released KillAuraPatch 2.0 (26. 3. 2022)
Dynamic KillAura range is here
- Added jumping range to DynamicRange script.
- Merged it with KillAuraPatch.
- Simplified code using Nashorn's weird specific stuff.
- Fixed values.json getting saved everytime a value is changed by using reflections. (they get changed quite often, especially with dynamic range now)
There's a problem with b73, in previous version autoblock used to be a bool value, but now it is either "AfterTick" or "Packet". So if you enable the KillauraPatch Module and try to change the value "Autoblock" on the Killaura's settings, Minecraft will crash spitting something about Bools and strings.
@hgfxdf-lnxvv I'm working on this actually:
Looks pretty cool
Released KillAuraPatch 3.0 (13. 4. 2022)
Added AutoBlockPatch modes:
- Packet, AfterTick (supports LB legacy)
- new mode LowHurtTime
LowHurtTime AutoBlock mode is used with low KillAura HurtTime (max 3). It is possible to bypass any strafe, movement and AutoBlock checks because you only hit your opponent when he can be hurt. You aim, attack, ... accordingly and otherwise block all the time (LB KillAura doesn't block inbetween hits with low HurtTime).
Added OwnHurtTimeCheck:
Stops you from blocking if you cannot be hurt because you already got hit earlier.Added HurtTimeCriticals:
They check if your target has a specific hurt time and jump accordingly. They can either jump legitimately or silently use the default Speed module to do so. By doing this you can legitimately hit almost all critical hits and therefore bypass any Criticals check.In conclusion, with KillAuraPatch 3 you can win HvHs on Matrix and other anticheats with like 7 hearts left.