[Kotlin] ArrayList SkyRainbow
@oreoezi he is not using ide
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@1109903662 You should put```
counter[0] = counter[0] + 1under``` Horizontal.LEFT -> { modules.forEachIndexed { index, module -> ```and``` Horizontal.RIGHT -> { modules.forEachIndexed { index, module ->
then add .rgb after Sky
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@1109903662 said in [Kotlin] ArrayList SkyRainbow:
I think your code loops too fast. This is 10fps!(Don't ask me why I use my cell phone to shoot LOL)
Try this?
Sky = RenderUtils.SkyRainbow(counter[0], saturationValue.get(), brightnessValue.get());
@gabriel said in [Kotlin] ArrayList SkyRainbow:
@gking Can you help me make my own custom liquidbounce?
learn how to code
next question
@aftery It's still like that
@gking much appreciation to you
@1109903662 how do you make fullbright appear like full bright?
val string = this.name
when (string.toLowerCase()) {
"fullbright" -> return "full bright"
return string -
can someone compile this? cause idk how to use it,it looks cool
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@neverside I‘ll give out an example
package net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.ui.client.hud.element.elements import net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.LiquidBounce import net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.features.module.Module import net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.ui.client.hud.designer.GuiHudDesigner import net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.ui.client.hud.element.Border import net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.ui.client.hud.element.Element import net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.ui.client.hud.element.ElementInfo import net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.ui.client.hud.element.Side import net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.ui.client.hud.element.Side.Horizontal import net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.ui.client.hud.element.Side.Vertical import net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.ui.font.AWTFontRenderer import net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.ui.font.Fonts import net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.utils.render.AnimationUtils import net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.utils.render.RenderUtils import net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.utils.render.shader.shaders.RainbowFontShader import net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.utils.render.shader.shaders.RainbowShader import net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.value.* import net.minecraft.client.renderer.GlStateManager import java.awt.Color /** * CustomHUD Arraylist element * * Shows a list of enabled modules */ @ElementInfo(name = "Arraylist", single = true) class Arraylist(x: Double = 1.0, y: Double = 2.0, scale: Float = 1F, side: Side = Side(Horizontal.RIGHT, Vertical.UP)) : Element(x, y, scale, side) { private val rainbowX = FloatValue("Rainbow-X", -1000F, -2000F, 2000F) private val rainbowY = FloatValue("Rainbow-Y", -1000F, -2000F, 2000F) private val colorModeValue = ListValue("Text-Color", arrayOf("Custom", "Random", "Rainbow","Sky"), "Custom") private val colorRedValue = IntegerValue("Text-R", 0, 0, 255) private val colorGreenValue = IntegerValue("Text-G", 111, 0, 255) private val colorBlueValue = IntegerValue("Text-B", 255, 0, 255) private val rectColorModeValue = ListValue("Rect-Color", arrayOf("Custom", "Random", "Rainbow"), "Rainbow") private val rectColorRedValue = IntegerValue("Rect-R", 255, 0, 255) private val rectColorGreenValue = IntegerValue("Rect-G", 255, 0, 255) private val rectColorBlueValue = IntegerValue("Rect-B", 255, 0, 255) private val rectColorBlueAlpha = IntegerValue("Rect-Alpha", 255, 0, 255) private val saturationValue = FloatValue("Random-Saturation", 0.9f, 0f, 1f) private val brightnessValue = FloatValue("Random-Brightness", 1f, 0f, 1f) private val tags = BoolValue("Tags", true) private val shadow = BoolValue("ShadowText", true) private val backgroundColorModeValue = ListValue("Background-Color", arrayOf("Custom", "Random", "Rainbow"), "Custom") private val backgroundColorRedValue = IntegerValue("Background-R", 0, 0, 255) private val backgroundColorGreenValue = IntegerValue("Background-G", 0, 0, 255) private val backgroundColorBlueValue = IntegerValue("Background-B", 0, 0, 255) private val backgroundColorAlphaValue = IntegerValue("Background-Alpha", 0, 0, 255) private val rectValue = ListValue("Rect", arrayOf("None", "Left", "Right"), "None") private val upperCaseValue = BoolValue("UpperCase", false) private val spaceValue = FloatValue("Space", 0F, 0F, 5F) private val textHeightValue = FloatValue("TextHeight", 11F, 1F, 20F) private val textYValue = FloatValue("TextY", 1F, 0F, 20F) private val tagsArrayColor = BoolValue("TagsArrayColor", false) private val fontValue = FontValue("Font", Fonts.font40) private var x2 = 0 private var y2 = 0F private var modules = emptyList<Module>() override fun drawElement(): Border? { val fontRenderer = fontValue.get() val counter = intArrayOf(0) AWTFontRenderer.assumeNonVolatile = true // Slide animation - update every render val delta = RenderUtils.deltaTime for (module in LiquidBounce.moduleManager.modules) { if (!module.array || (!module.state && module.slide == 0F)) continue var displayString = if (!tags.get()) module.name else if (tagsArrayColor.get()) module.colorlessTagName else module.tagName if (upperCaseValue.get()) displayString = displayString.toUpperCase() val width = fontRenderer.getStringWidth(displayString) if (module.state) { if (module.slide < width) { module.slide = AnimationUtils.easeOut(module.slideStep, width.toFloat()) * width module.slideStep += delta / 4F } } else if (module.slide > 0) { module.slide = AnimationUtils.easeOut(module.slideStep, width.toFloat()) * width module.slideStep -= delta / 4F } module.slide = module.slide.coerceIn(0F, width.toFloat()) module.slideStep = module.slideStep.coerceIn(0F, width.toFloat()) } // Draw arraylist val colorMode = colorModeValue.get() val rectColorMode = rectColorModeValue.get() val backgroundColorMode = backgroundColorModeValue.get() val customColor = Color(colorRedValue.get(), colorGreenValue.get(), colorBlueValue.get(), 1).rgb val rectCustomColor = Color(rectColorRedValue.get(), rectColorGreenValue.get(), rectColorBlueValue.get(), rectColorBlueAlpha.get()).rgb val space = spaceValue.get() val textHeight = textHeightValue.get() val textY = textYValue.get() val rectMode = rectValue.get() val backgroundCustomColor = Color(backgroundColorRedValue.get(), backgroundColorGreenValue.get(), backgroundColorBlueValue.get(), backgroundColorAlphaValue.get()).rgb val textShadow = shadow.get() val textSpacer = textHeight + space val saturation = saturationValue.get() val brightness = brightnessValue.get() when (side.horizontal) { Horizontal.RIGHT, Horizontal.MIDDLE -> { modules.forEachIndexed { index, module -> var displayString = if (!tags.get()) module.name else if (tagsArrayColor.get()) module.colorlessTagName else module.tagName if (upperCaseValue.get()) displayString = displayString.toUpperCase() val xPos = -module.slide - 2 val yPos = (if (side.vertical == Vertical.DOWN) -textSpacer else textSpacer) * if (side.vertical == Vertical.DOWN) index + 1 else index val moduleColor = Color.getHSBColor(module.hue, saturation, brightness).rgb val backgroundRectRainbow = backgroundColorMode.equals("Rainbow", ignoreCase = true) var Sky: Int Sky = RenderUtils.SkyRainbow(counter[0] * 100, saturationValue.get(), brightnessValue.get()) counter[0] = counter[0] + 1 RainbowShader.begin(backgroundRectRainbow, if (rainbowX.get() == 0.0F) 0.0F else 1.0F / rainbowX.get(), if (rainbowY.get() == 0.0F) 0.0F else 1.0F / rainbowY.get(), System.currentTimeMillis() % 10000 / 10000F).use { RenderUtils.drawRect( xPos - if (rectMode.equals("right", true)) 5 else 2, yPos, if (rectMode.equals("right", true)) -3F else 0F, yPos + textHeight, when { backgroundRectRainbow -> 0xFF shl 24 backgroundColorMode.equals("Random", ignoreCase = true) -> moduleColor else -> backgroundCustomColor } ) } val rainbow = colorMode.equals("Rainbow", ignoreCase = true) RainbowFontShader.begin(rainbow, if (rainbowX.get() == 0.0F) 0.0F else 1.0F / rainbowX.get(), if (rainbowY.get() == 0.0F) 0.0F else 1.0F / rainbowY.get(), System.currentTimeMillis() % 10000 / 10000F).use { fontRenderer.drawString(displayString, xPos - if (rectMode.equals("right", true)) 3 else 0, yPos + textY, when { rainbow -> 0 colorMode.equals("Random", ignoreCase = true) -> moduleColor colorMode.equals("Sky", ignoreCase = true) -> Sky else -> customColor }, textShadow) } if (!rectMode.equals("none", true)) { val rectRainbow = rectColorMode.equals("Rainbow", ignoreCase = true) RainbowShader.begin(rectRainbow, if (rainbowX.get() == 0.0F) 0.0F else 1.0F / rainbowX.get(), if (rainbowY.get() == 0.0F) 0.0F else 1.0F / rainbowY.get(), System.currentTimeMillis() % 10000 / 10000F).use { val rectColor = when { rectRainbow -> 0 rectColorMode.equals("Random", ignoreCase = true) -> moduleColor else -> rectCustomColor } when { rectMode.equals("left", true) -> RenderUtils.drawRect(xPos - 5, yPos, xPos - 2, yPos + textHeight, rectColor) rectMode.equals("right", true) -> RenderUtils.drawRect(-3F, yPos, 0F, yPos + textHeight, rectColor) } } } } } Horizontal.LEFT -> { modules.forEachIndexed { index, module -> var displayString = if (!tags.get()) module.name else if (tagsArrayColor.get()) module.colorlessTagName else module.tagName if (upperCaseValue.get()) displayString = displayString.toUpperCase() val width = fontRenderer.getStringWidth(displayString) val xPos = -(width - module.slide) + if (rectMode.equals("left", true)) 5 else 2 val yPos = (if (side.vertical == Vertical.DOWN) -textSpacer else textSpacer) * if (side.vertical == Vertical.DOWN) index + 1 else index val moduleColor = Color.getHSBColor(module.hue, saturation, brightness).rgb val backgroundRectRainbow = backgroundColorMode.equals("Rainbow", ignoreCase = true) var Sky: Int Sky = RenderUtils.SkyRainbow(counter[0] * 100, saturationValue.get(), brightnessValue.get()) counter[0] = counter[0] + 1 RainbowShader.begin(backgroundRectRainbow, if (rainbowX.get() == 0.0F) 0.0F else 1.0F / rainbowX.get(), if (rainbowY.get() == 0.0F) 0.0F else 1.0F / rainbowY.get(), System.currentTimeMillis() % 10000 / 10000F).use { RenderUtils.drawRect( 0F, yPos, xPos + width + if (rectMode.equals("right", true)) 5 else 2, yPos + textHeight, when { backgroundRectRainbow -> 0 backgroundColorMode.equals("Random", ignoreCase = true) -> moduleColor else -> backgroundCustomColor } ) } val rainbow = colorMode.equals("Rainbow", ignoreCase = true) RainbowFontShader.begin(rainbow, if (rainbowX.get() == 0.0F) 0.0F else 1.0F / rainbowX.get(), if (rainbowY.get() == 0.0F) 0.0F else 1.0F / rainbowY.get(), System.currentTimeMillis() % 10000 / 10000F).use { fontRenderer.drawString(displayString, xPos, yPos + textY, when { rainbow -> 0 colorMode.equals("Random", ignoreCase = true) -> moduleColor colorMode.equals("Sky", ignoreCase = true) -> Sky else -> customColor }, textShadow) } val rectColorRainbow = rectColorMode.equals("Rainbow", ignoreCase = true) RainbowShader.begin(rectColorRainbow, if (rainbowX.get() == 0.0F) 0.0F else 1.0F / rainbowX.get(), if (rainbowY.get() == 0.0F) 0.0F else 1.0F / rainbowY.get(), System.currentTimeMillis() % 10000 / 10000F).use { if (!rectMode.equals("none", true)) { val rectColor = when { rectColorRainbow -> 0 rectColorMode.equals("Random", ignoreCase = true) -> moduleColor else -> rectCustomColor } when { rectMode.equals("left", true) -> RenderUtils.drawRect(0F, yPos - 1, 3F, yPos + textHeight, rectColor) rectMode.equals("right", true) -> RenderUtils.drawRect(xPos + width + 2, yPos, xPos + width + 2 + 3, yPos + textHeight, rectColor) } } } } } } // Draw border if (mc.currentScreen is GuiHudDesigner) { x2 = Int.MIN_VALUE if (modules.isEmpty()) { return if (side.horizontal == Horizontal.LEFT) Border(0F, -1F, 20F, 20F) else Border(0F, -1F, -20F, 20F) } for (module in modules) { when (side.horizontal) { Horizontal.RIGHT, Horizontal.MIDDLE -> { val xPos = -module.slide.toInt() - 2 if (x2 == Int.MIN_VALUE || xPos < x2) x2 = xPos } Horizontal.LEFT -> { val xPos = module.slide.toInt() + 14 if (x2 == Int.MIN_VALUE || xPos > x2) x2 = xPos } } } y2 = (if (side.vertical == Vertical.DOWN) -textSpacer else textSpacer) * modules.size return Border(0F, 0F, x2 - 7F, y2 - if (side.vertical == Vertical.DOWN) 1F else 0F) } AWTFontRenderer.assumeNonVolatile = false GlStateManager.resetColor() return null } override fun updateElement() { modules = LiquidBounce.moduleManager.modules .filter { it.array && it.slide > 0 } .sortedBy { -fontValue.get().getStringWidth(if (upperCaseValue.get()) (if (!tags.get()) it.name else if (tagsArrayColor.get()) it.colorlessTagName else it.tagName).toUpperCase() else if (!tags.get()) it.name else if (tagsArrayColor.get()) it.colorlessTagName else it.tagName) } } }
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