[CONFIG] Redesky Config
This is my new redesky config.
It's probably the best, even tho j75's config is also really good.Download
Config: http://www.mediafire.com/file/otvnj4pa87dkot8/Redesky/file
Required scripts for the Config to work: http://www.mediafire.com/file/52gjblqla7dh9e3/scripts.zip/fileAbout the config
- KillAura
- Velocity
- Criticals
- NoFall
- Scaffold
- Tower
- LongJump
- Speed
- FastUse
- ChestStealer
- AutoArmor
- InventoryCleaner
In terms of bypasses
- KillAura: Flagless, but if you use criticals it deals more damage it stops hitting after ~35 hits.
- Velocity: Almost flagless.
- LongJump: OP, Fast, But not infinite.
- Scaffold / Tower: Both are extremely fast, but scaffold is not infinite.
- Criticals: Makes killaura stop hitting after around 35 hits because of AAC, also works as a NoFall.
- NoFall: Infinite, flagless.
- Speed: Not infinite, but extremely fast.
- FastUse: Not infinite, but extremely good.
Bind HyperJump, LongJump, And HighJump together for the LongJump.
Bind Tower and Scaffold to the same key, when you want to tower just jump. -
i like the thread design
I keep getting kicked from packets because of no slow. what LiquidBounce do you use?
didn't bypass atm idk why
@juloup-78 It also needs a custom b73