a question.
does anyone have a gamesense like watermark script for me?
@sᴇɴsᴇ like a skeet like watermark. like this: https://skeet.host/zYXPR38e
@righted Use variables in txt like %serverip%, %username% and etc
@plumer-man Hes talking about the watermark itself, not the server ip and smth.
@righted That is an unbelievably small image. If you just want to render a string, here's something for you though:
Java.type("net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.ui.font.Fonts").font40.drawStringWithShadow("stuff", 0, 0, "0xffffff")
- generate rainbow texture
- draw outer rect
- draw inner rect
- draw texture
- draw text
@gabriel jewish people be like
@aftery you're religious? unbased
@aftery not even need a rainbow texture