Hypixel AutoBlock Helper (Legacy)
Hypixel AutoBlock Helper
Description:A script help killaura can autoblock bypass hypixel
-1.0: first releaseHow to use:turn on script and enable autoblock option in killaura(you can use noslow with packet ) Warning!: dont turn on intractutoblock and delayedautoblock(autoban)
var scriptName = "HypixelAutoblockHelper" var scriptVersion = 1.1 var scriptAuthor = "Lolmc" var ccbluex = new ccbluex() var client var KillAura = Java.type("net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.LiquidBounce").moduleManager.getModule(Java.type("net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.features.module.modules.combat.KillAura").class); function ccbluex() { this.getName = function() { return "HypixelAutoblock" } this.getDescription = function() { return "a hypixel autoblock helper for killaura" } this.getCategory = function() { return "Fun" } this.onUpdate = function() { if(KillAura.target != null && !!(heldItem = mc.thePlayer.getHeldItem()) && heldItem.getItem() instanceof Java.type("net.minecraft.item.ItemSword")){ mc.thePlayer.setItemInUse(mc.thePlayer.inventory.getCurrentItem(), 51213) } } this.onDisable = function() { mc.thePlayer.itemInUseCount = 0; } } function onLoad() {} function onEnable() { client = moduleManager.registerModule(ccbluex) } function onDisable() { moduleManager.unregisterModule(client) }