Spartan combat disabler
Advanced Cheat Detection...
Combat Disabler
6 Blocks reach
Any criticals work
Instant fastuseCode
var C0FPacketConfirmTransaction = Java.type(''), C00PacketKeepAlive = Java.type(''), MSTimer = Java.type('net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.utils.timer.MSTimer'), msTimer = new MSTimer(), transactions = [], keepAlives = []; var script = registerScript({ name: 'SpartanDisabler', version: '0.0.0', authors: ['Shurpe'] }); script.registerModule({ name: 'SpartanDisabler', category: 'Fun', description: '' }, function (module) { module.on('packet', function(e) { var packet = e.getPacket(); if (packet instanceof C00PacketKeepAlive && packet != keepAlives[keepAlives.length - 1]) { keepAlives.push(packet); e.cancelEvent(); } if (packet instanceof C0FPacketConfirmTransaction && packet != transactions[transactions.length - 1]) { transactions.push(packet); e.cancelEvent(); } }); module.on('update', function() { if (keepAlives.length > 0 && transactions.length > 0) { if (msTimer.hasTimePassed(3000)) { mc.thePlayer.sendQueue.addToSendQueue(keepAlives[keepAlives.length - 1]); mc.thePlayer.sendQueue.addToSendQueue(transactions[transactions.length - 1]); transactions = []; keepAlives = []; msTimer.reset(); } } }); });
@tenebrous ABC Best anticheat:
Btw pause in the first second, you will read it.
@tenebrous ABC Is like Spartan Free version... But 1000x worse
@tenebrous In fact
use blink with pluse is a easier way
delay:300 -
c03 cancel better
instant fastuse works even if you dont have that
@auto-reply-bot this thing works on pvp land too, ping spoofing to a negative value and using this thing completely disables the anticheat
@nvinci ping spoofing to -2147483647 and using this disabler disables pvp land's anticheat, however, it will later kick you for transaction failed, so i am working on a fix.
@ender1355 ...what?
A Former Userreplied to Painis Bot on 9 Jul 2021, 11:49 last edited by A Former User 7 Sept 2021, 13:49
@ender1355 How exactly do you spoof your ping to a negative value?
ping = -1
@auto-reply-bot That does not make any sense at all. Looking for an actual explanation.
A Former Userreplied to mems on 9 Jul 2021, 12:27 last edited by A Former User 7 Sept 2021, 14:27
@mems doesn't make sense to me. Might dig through source to find out what the fuck pingspoof actually does when the value is negative
thanks anyway -
i dont think negative ping is possible
Well, what else I can say is that I saw a player on a server called with a huge negative ping number. I don't remember but he told me that he used a client called "Astolfo" or "Rise", I don't really know.
@aftery Me neither.
@cancernameu it only works on some servers like pvp land