Oldest version of Sigma
This one was not made by Omikron or LeakedPvP, or andro2157 or Arithmo
unlike normal sigma, this one is not a miner. ( @Melih_GMC2 get rekt noob hahaha cry in ur bed!!)
@ender1355 arithmo
@idk-my-name fixed now
@ender1355 wait i forgot, Arithmo was the original developer of sigma and one of the first afaik
@idk-my-name who cares about Sigma, fans ruined it
@ender1355 sigma fan's hatar
@idk-my-name arithmo was the original dev then he sold it to dumbmikron
sigma 4 was actually very good tho, but the 5.0 update ruined it -
@sigma-bot the 4.11 tpaura is just so good ngl
@the_shadow_emp yes
@sigma-bot ye ik
@bobismymanager jigsaw gets me kicked for packets.
@sigma-bot we all know