BlocksMC Scaffold + KillAura bypass.
Another game, another modified AAC, another bypass ladies and gentlemen!
Your config is trash, DM me for config
i dont record, my game would have -1000 fps
@Gabriel what a beautiful joke, lol
EDIT: These settings are not touched yet tho, so there might be better settings, even better than yours
EDIT 2: At least I can bypass it, unlike other people who cannot
that scaffold is prob flagging hard, my scaffold can be totally flagless if its well configured.
you kidding me right, it doesn't even flag on test servers, not even on the "" server. if you use the real liquidbounce, you are going to be flagged whatever setting you use.
EDIT again: I've also done a video like days ago, if you haven't seen yet:
A Former Userreplied to mems on 1 Aug 2020, 16:40 last edited by A Former User 8 Jan 2020, 18:51This post is deleted!
@Leejames2305 Using the OldScaffold or Scaffold module ?
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@Leejames2305 Just tried Sprint on, Keeprotations off with speedmodifier 0, it flags, what do you mean ?
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@Leejames2305 oh, i tried bedwars..
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@Leejames2305 well, the other scaffold module still takes the W because it allows speedmodifier, has rotation options, and you rarely get detected, as you see in those 2 videos.
EDIT: But it has a bug so far, Sprint if off, still sprints.
EDIT2: Doesn't detect autoblock script like the Scaffold module (could be easily fixed) -
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@Leejames2305 well yea sometimes it happens, sometimes it doesn't happen at all..
Lmao I don't know shit about scripting, but I managed to make the oldscaffold module work with the autofindblock script.. here it is:
EDIT: OldScaffold module is now 10x better