AutoJump only on selected blocks?
I got a problem when im on slimeblocks my player gets stuck so a autojump only on slimeblocks would fix it
///api_version=2 var script = registerScript({ name: "AutoJump", version: "1.0", authors: ["As丶One"] }); var block = Setting.block({ name: "Block", default: 165 }) var BlockPos = Java.type("net.minecraft.util.BlockPos") var Block = Java.type("net.minecraft.block.Block") script.registerModule({ name: "AutoJump", description: "AutoJump By As丶One", category: "Movement", settings: [block] }, function (module) { module.on("update", function () { if (Block.getIdFromBlock(mc.theWorld.getBlockState(new BlockPos(mc.thePlayer.getPositionVector()).down()).getBlock()) == block.get()) { if (mc.thePlayer.onGround && !mc.thePlayer.isInWater() && !mc.thePlayer.isInLava()) { mc.thePlayer.jump() } } }) })
@joel-kek said in AutoJump only on selected blocks?:
@as丶one Thank you its perfect sadly its not working in b73 but no problem
can you show me the console log?
@fartcheese Where do i see the console log?
@joel-kek are you new to using clients
BTW what MC launcher are you using?
@fartcheese 𝐉𝐨𝐞𝐥#0001 Add my dc
@joel-kek i dont use discord, my account is locked, can we talk here?
@fartcheese Ok i use the normal minecraft launcher why?
@as丶one Can you make it that i can choose 2 blocks?