[Request] VerusHop Speed
So, this is probably me requesting something after months, so to the topic
A few months ago, NCPHop speed got patched, now it will kick/ban you after 10-15 seconds, I heard that there is a fast VerusHop speed in some clients, but does anyone have a script for it, if you have a VerusHop speed, feel free to give it
The 7.2 constant?
@Plumer-Man Yeah
@plumer-man ok
///api_version=2 var Potion = Java.type("net.minecraft.potion.Potion"); (script = registerScript({ name: "Verus Speed", authors: ["PlumerMan"], version: "1.0" })).import("Core.lib"); module = { name: "VerusSpeed", category: "Movement", tag: "Verus", description: "Speed for the most advanced packet based anti cheat.", onUpdate: function () { mc.thePlayer.motionX = 0; mc.thePlayer.motionZ = 0; if(MovementUtils.isMoving()) { if(mc.thePlayer.onGround) mc.thePlayer.jump(); var moveSpeed = 0.3345 + (mc.thePlayer.isPotionActive(Potion.moveSpeed) ? (mc.thePlayer.getActivePotionEffect(Potion.moveSpeed).getAmplifier() * 0.03) : 0); var forward = mc.thePlayer.movementInput.moveForward; var strafe = mc.thePlayer.movementInput.moveStrafe; var yaw = mc.thePlayer.rotationYaw; if (forward != 0) { if (strafe >= 1.0) { yaw = mc.thePlayer.rotationYaw + ((forward > 0.0) ? -45 : 45); strafe = 0; } else if (strafe <= -1.0) { yaw = mc.thePlayer.rotationYaw + ((forward > 0.0) ? 45 : -45); strafe = 0; } } if (forward > 0) { forward = 1; } else if (forward < 0) { forward = -1; } var mx = Math.cos(Math.toRadians(yaw + 90)); var mz = Math.sin(Math.toRadians(yaw + 90)); mc.thePlayer.motionX = forward * moveSpeed * mx + strafe * moveSpeed * mz; mc.thePlayer.motionZ = forward * moveSpeed * mz - strafe * moveSpeed * mx; } } }
@plumer-man thank you