Netease HuaYuTing Server Infinite Vanilla Fly Code
@shadowofmarsh Use a VPN?
@shadowofmarsh you have go to download netease minecraft box,after download 花雨庭 client
@JvmStatic private final void sendPacketNoEvent(Packet packet) { packets.add(packet); mc.getNetHandler().addToSendQueue(packet); }
我不会是上钩了吧 -
@commandblock2 Secrets make women more women.
@koitoyuu And what to do if this window is displayed?
Hacked Clients Minecraftreplied to Hacked Clients Minecraft on 28 May 2022, 11:58 last edited by
@hacked-clients-minecraft I use VPN
secrete or secret
@hacked-clients-minecraft is that your real name?
@hacked-clients-minecraft Netease Minecraft identity information outside of China is not supported
@koitoyuu said in Netease HuaYuTing Server Infinite Vanilla Fly Code:
Netease Minecraft identity information outside of China is not supported
It's a shame (
@hacked-clients-minecraft I know.
@Hacked-Clients-Minecraft I can help you