Velocity with nomovestop strafe mode
So whenever you get knockback, stop your movement until you stand on the ground (or still on air but with knockback canceled)
@truong_pham So you want a Velocity that stops your movement until you are on ground?
Ps: Idk if it's similar to some velocity mode but i think it will bypass some server
@truong_pham reverse velocity?
@stfwissue no
From my experiment, when strafe and nomovestop is on, you wont get any vertical (still get some horizon, about 5%) knockback if you dont press any movement key, and seems like it pypass matrix + aac server (skywar
So i think a scrip which turn off you from pressing movement key after get hit few milisecond and turn on again (or turn on when player on ground) will become some new kind of velocityPs: sorry because of bad english, and if it similar to some velocity mode that existed in lb, just skip my post
onUpdate() { if(mc.thePlayer.hurtTime != 0) { mc.thePlayer.motionX = mc.thePlayer.motionY = mc.thePlayer.motionZ = 0 } }