Is FDPClient the worst client in the history of Minecraft clients?
suicidemouse33replied to Plumer Man on 14 Jun 2022, 16:28 last edited by suicidemouse33
@plumer-man no shit bro that is obvious as fuck
FDP Client is a custom build of LiquidBounce.
It's not worst! -
@templom it is lmao
@plumer-man ..
@suicidemouse33 fdp 100% skid from other client?
@suicidemouse33 is lb++ skid from other client?
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@red-mist what was those?
@red-mist edgy
@plumer-man said in Is FDPClient the worst client in the history of Minecraft clients?:
@red-mist edgy
in what way
say hello to noteless
a paid closedsource skided liquid fork
its even more skided then fdp (fdp skids are atleast bad like i cant tell what client they skided from bc of how bad the skids are)
it has less bypasses then fdp
its skided from fdp (lmao) -
@xsilverth we all know about it
@xsilverth noteless even got cracked by a fdp dev if i remember correctly.
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edgy forums user detected ^
@plumer-man in what way is it edgy
In what way is it helpful?
@plumer-man did you get the reference of "The red mist is coming."?
@red-mist thing is no one gives a shit