Download: HiveGodmode.js
Hover on "HiveGodmode.js" press Rightclick and press "save link as..." to download the script.Update 1.1:
-Now you are invisible for other users
-When you teleport, the hivegodmode resets
-New command
.hivegodmode <ActivateOnSneak/ActivateOnEnable>
By default the Godmode is activated when you have the module on and sneak. Now it is also possible that the hivegodmode is activated automatically when you turn on the module. To switch off the godmode you still jump.
-Other small changesThe HiveGodmode can be used on all gamemodes on Hive.
While the HiveGodmode module is on:
Sneak = Godmode on.
Jump = Godemode off.If ActivateOnEnable is on:
Module on= Godmode on.
Jump = Godemode off.If you are in Godmode, then you sneak, you can see if you are safe.
You can not move during godmode.
You can use the killaura, but the range in godmode is smaller.
(you have to set ThoughWallsRange to 2.0+ if you want to use the killaura in Godmode.)You can switch between on and off quite fast. Too much in a short time can lead to a kick. Even if I have minimized the kicks.
Use this as example if u want
I think its a perfect example
Amazing work Max4kEven blocks the inf. aura from sigma so they get kicked if they still tryna hit u in ground >:)
not working.
No, it works perfectly. I just downloaded it again and tried it out myself. To use the script, you only need the B72 or higher. And if the module doesn't show up on the first start, you can make .reload, then it should work.
lol you can watch the video above or read the comments. Why do you say it is fake? You can see that the fault must be with you, because everyone else can work it right. Do you have the latest Liquidbounce version? If the module is not there, have you done .reload? And do you use the 1.8.9 version? And did you download it correctly by right-clicking on the link and NOT left-clicking.
Here u go quick tutorial like i made it and u can see in the vid above it worked for me!
different method like Max4k cause u said his method diddnt work for you
- Speichern = Save
- Speichern unter = Save as
The Path the Part with Nüdele can be different to u i think if u dont changed anything on the original mc path the rest should be the same!
the \ between Roaming and .minecraft isnt shown there is a \
@FaaatPotato said in HiveGodmode:
Here u go quick tutorial like i made it and u can see in the vid above it worked for me!
different method like Max4k cause u said his method diddnt work for you
- Speichern = Save
- Speichern unter = Save as
The Path the Part with Nüdele can be different to u i think if u dont changed anything on the original mc path the rest should be the same!
the \ between Roaming and .minecraft isnt shown there is a \
Anti inf aura??
@FaaatPotato said in HiveGodmode:
@yorik100 I mean it blocks sigmas inf aura cause u vanish in ground
That doesn't sound possible to me